Video Sunday: When someone asks if you’re a god, you say YES!
Someone on Facebook asked if I had anything to do with this since it was in my library (that’s the Rose Reading Room you’ll see here). Answer: Nope. But I was aware it was going to happen beforehand. And I could have watched, but it’s probably better as a finalized video anyway. The video is by Improv Everywhere, and it’s to raise library awareness. Matt pointed out that each of the Ghostbusters is made to look like one of the Ghostbusters in the film. I just like that some clever composer (one Tyler Walker, I believe) managed to come up with music that’s bloody close to the original Ghostbuster theme, without using the real theme itself.
For reasons that elude me, I’ve never really ever discovered the Candlewick YouTube channel. Now that I have I’m finding all kinds of goodies. From the Interrupting Chicken picture book by David Ezra Stein . . .
To this interview with Lucy Cousins (creator of the Maisy books) which should really be on TeacherTube as well, you know. I was recently told about TeacherTube and how it would make a lot of sense if interviews with children’s authors were put there. TeacherTube isn’t blocked by schools like YouTube often is, and has a built in use and audience. Just saying . . .
I’m always surprised that there aren’t more television shows that either take place in libraries or are based on libraries. The pickings are small too. There was the short lived Party Girl show. The weird post-apocalyptic here’s-how-to-use-the-Dewey-decimal-system show Tomes and Talismans. And now MTV has a show called Silent Library. This is the first episode. I don’t know that I would have found it, had it not been for 100 Scope Notes. Weeeeeeird.
Thanks to Travis for the link.
I could almost make this an off-topic video due to its weirdness alone, but one thing prevents me. Have you seen the new Olympic mascots for the London 2012 games? It’s sort of what would happen if you took a Yo Gabba Gabba character and then mutated it. This is a video introducing them and it is written, I kid you not, by the great children’s author Michael Morpurgo. Michael. Morpurgo. I can’t get over that. We are going to hope it’s a different Michael Morpurgo than the one who wrote the fabulous The Mozart Question amongst other things. Oh, Michael…
A show of hands. How many of you expected the children to scream when they removed the lids off of the boxes. Be honest now.
You know what author isn’t afraid of videos? Kathi Appelt, Newbery Honor Award winning author, that’s who. She’s on a little book tour and has been making all kinds of videos along the way. Check out the lot of ’em here, why doncha? It’s a fun way to connect with a fan base, I’ll tell you that.
And for the off-topic video . . .
Now I was going to go with the sloth video and then mention a lot of cute sloth-related picture books along the way. Until last night, that is, when someone (that would be @RonHogan) decided to link to a kid in L.A. who does a dead on Ian McKellen impression. Here then is "Ian McKellen" reading the text of Ducktales.
Filed under: Videos

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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Silent Library has got to be the, er, quietest MTV show ever
That last video is CRAZY. If I wasn’t sure that Ian McKellen had never done a reading of the DuckTales song, I’d swear the kid was lip-syncing.
And I have to admit, I sort of like the weird little Olympic mascots! They’re strange, to be sure, but I think they’re kind of cute, too.
I was surprised no one in the library thought “terrorist” until I saw the opening conversation with the security guard and then, duh, realized the umpty-bump guys with cameras must have been reassuring, too…
This is fabulous!
I love, love, LOVE the small touch in the London 2012 video that George commutes by bicycle. As for your question, hand raised.
Oh, rats. I meant to post this one last week, pushed it back to Monday, and now you beat me by a day.
Not my favorite “Improv Everywhere” piece, but it hits the target audience between the eyes.