Video Sunday: Extra Points if Lisa Yee Finds a Way to Rub Richard Peck’s Head Too
Aw man. Aw man, oh geez, aw man. Travis Jonker at 100 Scope Notes tosses out the gauntlet, and so we shall obey. Get your creative caps out, kids. There isn’t much time (May 24th is just around the corner). And I have NO IDEA what to do. I liked the pumpkin idea, though. Thanks, Travis!
Generally speaking, when you go over to YouTube to see how many hits one book trailer or another has gotten, don’t be surprised to see numbers, at most, in the two hundreds or three hundreds. Book trailers have many charms, but viral sensations they are usually not (the exception to this rule usually being Amy Krouse Rosenthal, who is my hero). Once in a while, though, you might be surprised. Take this trailer for the Jeremy Holmes illustrated There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly. Not only does the book trailer become a kind of prequel to the book, but the original music and animation is infinitely appealing.
Total number of views as of this posting? 52,225. And THAT is how it is done, people. Thanks to That Blog Belongs to Emily Brown! for the link.
Truth be told, I pretty much spend most of my time just sitting around waiting for the next Dan Santat book trailer to air. And if you liked his Bobby Vs. Girls (Accidentally), or his Chicken Dance dance, or Always Lots of Heinies at the Zoo, or The Ghosts of Luckless Gulch, or even the remarkably awesome interview with him that involved lightsabers and clones, then you’ll probably like this one for his newest book Oh No! (Or How My Science Project Destroyed the World), written by Mac Barnett:
Scholastic did a quickie series of interviews with authors R.L. Stine, Lisa Yee, Jon Scieszka, and (if the opening credits are to be believed) Christopher Paul Curtis Gordon and a one-namer named simply Korman. I kid. I kid because I love! Christopher Paul Curtis and Gordon Korman then. In any case, in this video all you need to know is that the people here are amusing, and that there’s a moment when Lisa Yee rubs the heads of both Korman and Scieszka at once. Now THAT’s entertainment!
Thanks to Lisa for the link!
At first one had the feeling that The Onion‘s news source was just a different version of the already existing Daily Show. Now they’ve truly come into their own. And since coloring books are as children’s literature-centric as anything, I think we’re still on topic here.
Drew Barrymore’s New Tell-All Coloring Book Hits Shelves
Thanks to Marcus Ewert for the link.
And finally, I’ve been sitting on this little bit of off-topic wonderfulness for a while now. I can hold it back no longer. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the cupcake cannon.
As the description on YouTube explains "Portland’s Kamp Grizzly developed a steam-punk style pneumatic cupcake cannon and set the stage for eating frosty delights at 120psi. The blasting buffet was documented in at 700fps coming off the Phantom HD Gold." Any way you slice it, it still looks delicious. Thanks to Swiss Miss for the link.
Filed under: Videos

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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Thanks. Love the vids. Can never get over how much time you must dedicate to this. Don’t quite get the Onion v. Daily Show reference, though; the Onion has been around way longer…
The Onion in print form has been around longer. But The Onion in video form is still relatively new. When they first started I worried that they’d tread the same path as Jon Stewart, but since the first few attempts they’ve found their voice and really established a different News Show kind of niche, which I appreciate.
Thanks for watching!
I appreciate the Nontraditional Nonfiction Monday shout out! I’m thinking you could create a pretty ace video book review. With a fake mustache to class things up, of course. Now all you have to do is find a kids nonfiction book on mustaches…
Oh Chronicle Books! They are so classy! I love what they do- that trailer being just the latest cool example.
Re. Drew: I actually quite like her, but this Onion video was too brilliant. I TOTALLY 150% TIMES INFINITY WANT THAT COLORING BOOK!!!!
Okay . . . Richard Peck, watch out!!!