Fusenews: Pajamas – Will sappers
Mine is a dual blogging household, and now the resident husband and I are talking about the same topic. Case in point, Matt’s recent article for the site ScriptShadow. Matt gave several books a close examination and determined which ones would make the best films. His conclusion? Keep a close eye on The Boneshaker by Kate Milford (which I have also read and enjoyed immensely), Fat Vampire by Adam Rex, and The Carbon Diaries by Saci Lloyd. Good reading.
Elizabeth Bluemle has yet again compiled her invaluable list of the books granted stars in 2010. Thus far, only five books have gotten the much sought after five star status, and none have gotten six in total. Six stars are admittedly rare. As I recall, not a single book got six last year. Fingers crossed that something does this year.
Will Manley writes articles for American Libraries Magazine, does he not? I only ask because recently The Gothamist revealed that Manley has recently released the results of a survey he conducted in 1992 that got him fired from his job. It’s about sex and librarians. One wonders if such a thing could get you canned today. Thanks to Dan for the link.
I’m kind of loving Under the Greenwillow’s constant creativity. Not that the other publisher blogs out there don’t have distinct personalities, but it takes a particular kind of brilliance to create something like Greenwillow’s recent Social Media Boot Camp. I just love the idea of Awful Ogre just typing "Oh, snap!" to everything. Thanks to 100 Scope Notes for the link!
The Top 100 Children’s Novels Poll is the gift that keeps on giving. Tons of folks have been using the list as a kind of meme which I believe Teacherninja began. Folks show how many of the books they’ve read and rank themselves. That’s pretty cool, but I think we all know that the poll results were a little whitey whitey. Sure would be nice to work some diversity in there, eh? Well now you can! Thanks to the ingenuity of That Blog Belongs to Emily Brown, a kind of solution has been reached. On her site she writes, "After the jump are all of the chapter books on the CCBC’s 50 Multicultural Books Every Child Should Know. There are ten. (How perfect!) So give yourself 10 points for each of the following that you have read. Now average that with your Fuse #8 grade. Now you have a grade which is adjusted for white bias. This is obviously mathematically suspect, but entertaining, no?" Oui oui! The best thing about that list is how often it’s updated. Heck, it has this year’s Boys Without Names on it! Hello, To Be Read pile…. Thanks for the quick thinking, Emily.
Speaking of the poll, one of the books in the Top 10 is about to be turned into a graphic novel adapted by the multitalented Hope Larson. I like Ms. Larson’s work. Her Chiggers was sublime. Can you guess which book she’s adapting? Probably. Thanks to Kristen Northrup for the link.
The second part of Marjorie Ingall’s written piece on the Jewish Canadian groups seeking to ban The Shepherd’s Daughter is up and running. In this article Marjorie suggests some good Israeli-Palestinian middle grade and YA titles.
Is it Friday yet? It’s not? Why the heck not? I want to post about this poetry posting and usually that’s best done on Poetry Friday. Ah well. Since April is National Poetry Month, I suppose it still counts. Travis recently highlighted some Book Spine Haiku that is often silly and sometimes mind-blowing. Thanks to 100 Scope Notes for the link!
Speaking of poetry, illustrator Melanie Hope Greenberg waxes nostalgic over poet Norman Rosten and how she came to know him better.
May 1st I’ll be conducting a panel of children’s book translators at my library at 2:00. Much along those same lines is this fantastic conversation between two of the great children’s translators of today. Doris Orgel and Anthea Bell talk about their lives and their work with one another as part of PEN’s Pen Pals series. Out of everything in today’s Fusenews, this is your required reading.
For that matter I’ve an upcoming Literary Cafe that discusses the future of children’s books on e-readers (but not for a while). My techie buddy Dwayne pointed out to me recently that on the site ePubBud there is a mess of children’s books there waiting to be downloaded. Many older titles too. It’s interesting. The site is ostensibly for folks to self-publish their own work instantly. Yet it’s the children’s literature that’s the most interesting feature to me. Huh. What are we to make of this?
While you ponder that, feel free to read the wonderful Pixie Stix Kids post Obvious Watch: Preparing Kids for that Digital Future with Great Books.
Daily Image:
I’m off of work for the next few days in the desperate hope that I’ll be able to get some work done on my books. So life’s pretty much just looking like this print from Timothy Buckwalter (which may or may not have come from Futurama originally):

Thanks to BB-Blog for the link.
Filed under: Fusenews

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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The Revenge of My Youth: Re Life with an Angelic Girl, vol. 1 | Review
Goodbye for now
When Book Bans are a Form of Discrimination, What is the Path to Justice?
Take Five: February 2025 Middle Grade Novels
Good luck with the writing!
I was going to do the white bias adjustment until I saw Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry. Any list that chooses that over The Watsons Go to Birmingham I want nothin’ to do with. 😉
Huh. That is strange, isn’t it? Why on earth would you choose Bud, Not Buddy and not The Watsons? Because one got a shiny sticker? Seems odd.
Yep, and both Bud and Roll of Thunder are set in the 1930s. So if you switched one out for the Watsons, you’d have more variety in the time periods you’re covering.
But I do think Taylor belongs on a list like this, because she was so early in the game, and writing from the perspective of someone who lived through segregation.
Thanks, Bezzie!
I agree with xemilyx that Roll of Thunder belongs on the list. And they may had a self-imposed one-per-author limit. I’d have more issues with the list not having The Watsons but having Justin and The Best Biscuits in the World – but maybe they were looking to reach different ages, since Justin is a gentler book that works for younger readers than The Watsons.
I scored 69 on Fuse’s poll, and 60% on the Multicultural poll (why haven’t I read Rickshaw Girl yet? It’s time to read it).
Will Manley’s blog is called Will Unwound.He writes for American Library, yes, but they and Booklist grabbed him after he got canned from Wilson Library Bulletin, which went under a few years later. Draw your own conclusions as to why. Lots of good writing in that blog Fuse. Take a look. It covers many aspects of librarianship and is lots of fun. Manley used to be Director of Phoenix PL till he promoted up to running the whole city. Now is blissfully retired.
BTW the link for your 100 best children novels poll turns up your 100 best picture bk list…
This is what makes me nervous on the ePub site: “Mail us any physical children’s book and we’ll “digitize” it for use on your iPad: FREE!” I know their intentions are good, but if this — or something like it — becomes the Napster of ebooks, well, my royalty statements have enough problems as is.
I really liked the Book Spine Haiku! So much, in fact, that I was inspired to walk the shelves a bit and create some of my own. They’re so much better when you can see the books in a photograph, but for the sake of space, here are a few of my favorites:
Today Is Monday
I Am Not Going to Get Up Today
Because of You
Miss Nelson Is Missing!
The Search for Forensic Evidence
George Did It
Can You See What I See?
Can You Imagine?
Oh, the Thinks You Can Think!
On Board the Titanic
Dark Day in the Deep Sea
In the Face of Danger
The Bravest of the Brave
Love You, Soldier
I Saw Your Face
I Love It When You Smile
When I Am Old With You
You Read to Me, I’ll Read to You
Could You? Would You?
Woah. Looks like somebody just found her calling in life. Color me seriously impressed.
I was the last editor of Wilson Library Bulletin – after Will. For the last five years of its existence, its circ went downhill, before Will’s firing, after it, and during my own tenure there. There were many reasons for it, but you cannot blame his firing.
WLB was, however, the very first library magazine to include a column about the internet (Lee Ratzan’s Internet Cafe), to include email addresses of its contributors, and to publish columns of news and notes that appeared in online lists (with permission and credit, of course.)
GraceAnne DeCandido, last editor in chief of WLB