The Top 100 Children’s Novels Poll: Everything Else (Part Two)
A Swiftly Tilting Planet by Madeleine L’Engle (#3)(#5)(#7) – 18 points
Many Waters by Madeleine L’Engle (#3) – 8 points
Meet the Austins by Madeleine L’Engle (#2) – 9 points
Growing up an only child, I wanted to move in with this family. – Stephanie Howell , Lower School Librarian , Carolina Day School , Asheville, NC
A Ring of Endless Light by Madeleine L’Engle (#5) – 6 points
Catwings by Ursula LeGuin (#8) – 3 points
This is one of the first books I bought with my own money. I read it until the binding fell apart and then bought myself a new copy. Magic feels possible when it is dealt with in a subtle manner. Being something of a cat lover, the idea of cats with wings just about sent me over the moon. The language is evocative and gentle, the story is compelling, and the message is clear: always be on the look out for someone with soft hands. – Vikki VanSickle –
4. Strawberry Girl (Lois Lenski)
To Be A Slave by Julius Lester (#6) – 5 points
Fairest by Gail Carson Levine (#6) – 5 points
Run for Your Life by Marilyn Levy (#8) – 3 points
Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis (#5)(#5)(#5)(#6)(#7)(#9)(#10)(#10) – 31 points
This was always my favorite of the Narnian Chronicles. This is a classic children’s quest fantasy novel, mostly episodic in nature. It seems to have a lot more humor than some of the other novels in the series and manages to balance nicely the importance of ethics/moral considerations with adventure. I don’t think it is a preachy as some of the others in the series. I loved pompous but endearing Reepicheep. I did not see the movie based on this book because I was so afraid the makers would destroy my idea of him and make him too much a figure of fun. Christine Sealock Kelly
Narnia is so great… more than one book deserves to be on the list – Aaron Zenz
my favorite of the Narnia books. A tale of great wonder and a thing of beauty. – – Carl Schwanke, Imaginon/Spangler Children’s Library, Charlotte, NC
Maybe not the most well known Narnia book, but my favorite. I love valiant little Reepicheep and the pond that turns everything to gold. And when Eustace, in all his bratty glory, becomes a dragon! – Emily Calkins Charyk
4. The Silver Chair C.S. Lewis
The Horse and His Boy by C. S. Lewis (#5) – 6 points
The Magician’s Nephew by C.S. Lewis (#1)(#2)(#5)(#5)(#6)(#9)(#10) – 38 points
My all-time favorite Chapter One. – Michele Gawenka
The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis (#9) – 2 points
Striped Ice Cream by Joan Lexau (#10) – 1 point
I know this book has been forgotten, but I reread it every now and then. It’s a loving portrayal of a poverty-stricken family, written with realism, sensitivity, and humor. – Jennifer Schultz, Fauquier County Public Library, Warrenton
Three Lives to Live by Anne Lindbergh (#9) – 2 points
BILL BERGSON, MASTER DETECTIVE by Astrid Lindgren (#8) – 3 points
Bill Bergson and the White Rose Rescue by Astrid Lindgren (#4) – 7 points
Astrid Lindgren took a variety of classic genres in children’s literature and added her own subversive flavor while maintaining the appeal and structure of the story. Bill Bergson works within the frame of the juvenile detective story with humor, adventure, and realism. Jennifer Wharton, Youth Services Librarian, Matheson Memorial Library
Pippi in the South Seas by Astrid Lindgren (#4) – 7 points
The Magic Pudding by Norman Lindsay (#4)(#10) – 8 points
This is a new favorite for me, discovered only a few years ago. Presumably most Australian children know this delightful food-focused classic. Jennifer Wharton, Youth Services Librarian, Matheson Memorial Library
I may be alone here, but that book rocks. – Matthew Wigdahl
4) Jean Little, From Anna. Also wonderful. – Lisa Gordis, Barnard College
Look Through My Window by Jean Little (#2) – 9 points
This is the first of Jean Little’s books I read and will always be my most beloved. Her story of friendship, poetry, and family shines with warmth, exuberant humor, and beauty. Jennifer Wharton, Youth Services Librarian, Matheson Memorial Library
Mine for Keeps by Jean Little (#1) – 10 points
This one is easily my favorite–I loved it as a fourth-grader, when an adult friend taking a children’s lit class at UCLA gave me the class texts at the end of the term. It holds up surprisingly well, and I’ve never shared it with anyone (child or adult) who has not loved it. – Lisa Gordis, Barnard College
The Story of Doctor Doolittle by Hugh Lofting (#2)(#6) – 15 points
The only book that ever completely transported me; I decided to stop reading and run after the characters. (3rd grade) – Michele Gawenka
One of children’s literatures greatest heroes and an endearing animal cast, coupled with simple yet greatly effective plotting and storytelling make this adventurous classic one of the most engging and enjoyable ever. – Billy
The Voyages of Dr. Doolittle by Hugh Lofting (#3) – 8 points
Call of the Wild by Jack London (#1)(#1)(#7) – 24 points
For brilliant use of words. I’ll think of a replacement I wish I would have put here later and regret it, but it’s a super story. – Matthew Wigdahl
Alvin Ho: Allergic to Girls, School, and Other Scary Things by Lenore Look (#9)(#9) – 4 points
There was not a single thing I didn’t like about this book. Not one. It has humor, it has heart (there is a truly wonderful scene between Alvin and his dad at an ice cream parlor that reveals Dad’s patience and insight), and it has a hero or two. Make that three.
Memorable Line: "…boys have more respect for one another after a good pounding….And girls are weird even if they wear a cool eye patch, drag a cool peg leg and know how to throw a mean uppercut." ~ Alvin – Kristi Hazelrigg, Media Specialist, Parkview Elementary
Ruby Lu, Brave and True by Lenore Look (#8) – 3 points
Rules by Cynthia Lord (#5)(#6)(#6)(#7)(#7)(#8) – 27 points
Extraordinary, gentle, humorous. This one will last. – Maria Padian (
With so many kids with special needs today, I predict this story of friendship and accepting differences will stand the test of time. – Brenda Ferber
You actually recommended this book for me to use in a 5th grade book club. It did not disappoint! It may be the best book I’ve ever done with a group of kids that age. We had so much to talk about and think about. My second son is in 4th grade, and I’m looking forward to doing it again with his class next year. – Kim Hall (aka klonghall)
Betsy, Tacy and Tib by Maud Hart Lovelace (#1)(#1)(#6) – 25 points
Betsy and Tacy Go Downtown, by Maud Hart Lovelace (#1)(#1)(#10) – 21 points
No list is complete without a Betsy Tacy book. Enough said. – Cathy Berner, Children’s/Young Adult Specialist and Events Coordinator, Blue Willow Bookshop in Houston, Texas,
Betsy and Tacy Go Over the Big Hill by Maud Hart Lovelace (#4)(#6) – 12 points — Discovered as a child, rediscovered as a teen and still loved as an adult, all the Betsy-Tacy books are worth reading, but this was my favorite. My sister and I played a lot of Betsy-Tacy when we were growing up. Maggi Idzikowski,Media Specialist, Allen Elementary School, Ann Arbor MI
The ten Betsy-Tacy books by Maud Hart Lovelace are some of my favorite books in the world. I’ve read them over and over, and am so enjoying introducing them to my young daughter. It’s tough to choose just one for this list, but since the tone and style of the books ages along with Betsy Ray, their protagonist, that narrows down the choice. The first couple of books in the series work best for younger readers, and the high school and beyond books, though they can certainly be read by mid-grade readers, meant most to me when I was a bit older. That leaves just a couple to choose from, and I choose Big Hill because it’s one of the best “stand-alone” stories in the series. – Beth Priest (Endless Books)
4- Betsy and Joe by Maud Hart Lovelace
Emily of Deep Valley by Maud Hart Lovelace (#2) – 9 points
Anastasia Krupnik by Lois Lowry (#2)(#3)(#3)(#6)(#8)(#10)(#10) – 35 points
I can not tell you how often I wished Anastasia was my real-life friend, that my mom illustrated books, or that my best friend had a pair of jeans that were so filthy they stood on their own in the closet. – Jenn Bertman (
This was the book that introduced me to Anastasia, a smart girl who was quirky and not like every other girl out there. While Lowry’s other books are great, this was a book that I loved re-reading (and then made my own notebook a la Anastasia!) – Erin Hibshman, Librarian, Rheems and Fairview Elementary, Elizabethtown Area School District
I loved Anastasia because she was a normal girl with normal problems (glasses, acne, cool-but-embarrassing parents, annoying little brothers, etc). She was also smart and funny, and I envied her hiking boots with red laces (and later her tower bedroom). – Jennifer Sauls
All About Sam by Lois Lowry (#6) – 5 points
7. Gossamer by Lois Lowry
The Willoughbys by Lois Lowry (#2)(#6)(#7)(#10) – 19 points
I’m calling this my Middle of the Alphabet Newbery Authors Choice. Lowry, Naylor, Paterson. The triumvirate of children’s literature. But what to pick? I like the Willoughbys. I like how she takes all the elements of old children’s books and runs with it. – Sharon, The Head Chick in Charge,
Had me laughing out loud & I loved the way it parodied the "classics" – Marci Dressler, Ossining Public Library, Ossining, NY
You have to love a book that by page 2 says, "The Willoughby parents frequently forgot that they had children and became quite irritable when they were reminded of it." While the Willoughby children plot to make themselves orphans, Mr. and Mrs. Willoughby are doing some plotting of their own, and it isn’t good. – Dr. Patricia M. Stohr-Hunt, Chair, Education Department, University of Richmond
Hidden Talents by David Lubar (#8) – 3 points
The Root Cellar by Janet Lunn and N.R. Jackson (#7) – 4 points
Heat by Mike Lupica (#5)(#6) – 11points
Tea With the Black Dragon, R. A. MacAvoy (#10) – 1 point
Mrs. Piggle Wiggle by Betty MacDonald
(#1)(#3)(#6)(#7)(#9)(#10)(#10)(#10) – 32 points
Betty MacDonald’s Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle books, all of them. (I remember the first two BEFORE the Hilary Knight illustrations). I actually was asked to leave the school library once in 4th grade because I was laughing so hard. (As I was usually an almost disgustingly well-behaved kid, this was unusual…) I reread them a few years ago and still giggle. The best ones are the ones that rely on natural processes for the "cure", such as the Fighter-Quarrelers Cure and the Selfishness Cure, not the ones with magic powders and stuff. They get the ideas across without laying on the morality with a trowel. – Freda Bluestone Birnbaum
Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle’s Magic by Betty MacDonald (#6)(#6)(#10) – 11 points
This is another choice that is straight from my childhood, along with happy memories of family read-alouds. Mrs. Piggle Wiggle’s was a world everyone in the family could relate to – the kids knew all those "diseases" and the parents knew all the frustrations of dealing with them. We laughed loudly over the ‘thought-you-saiders,’ ‘the bad table manners cure,’ and the ‘never-want-to-go-to-schoolers.’ Ok, it was the 1950s, so all the cultural references worked for us at the time … but just last year, I pulled Mrs. P-W off the shelf and read chapters aloud to a book club of 4-6th graders and they begged for more. Some things are eternal. Rock on, Mrs. Piggle Wiggle!
(Aside to Betsy – I’m eternally grateful for your link to the blog that spoofed Mrs. P-W recently – what a howl!) – Connie Rockman, Children’s Literature Consultant, Program Coordinator, Rabbit Hill Festival of Literature, Stratford, CT
7. nancy and plum by Betty MacDonald
At the Back of the North Wind by George MacDonald (#3) – 8 points
Children don’t read it much any more–it’s too Victorian, too pious, too mysterious. But the poetic images from this book haunted me as a child–I read and reread it. It’s really about death, but I didn’t know that when I was reading it. I just knew that there was something very compelling about the story.- Laura Amy Schlitz
The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald (#3)(#8) – 11 points
My first crush with a physical attraction; for Curdie, the miner’s son – Michele Gawenka
Baby by Patricia MacLachlan (#10) – 1 point
Journey by Patricia MacLachlan (#8) – 3 points
More Perfect Than the Moon by Patricia MacLachlan (#8) – 3 points
Dragonsong by Anne McCaffrey (#2)(#10) – 10 points
perfect for kids when they reach that "loving dragons" phase, so unique and interesting – Sarah Haliwell
Homer Price by Robert McCloskey (#4)(#5)(#7)(#9) – 21 points
Humor, character, language, setting. – Sarah Sullivan
a perfect, humorous look at America of yesterday. The missing diamond in a donut is a classic! Tina @
Judy Moody by Megan McDonald (#5) – 6 points
Julia Gillian (and the Art of Knowing) by Alison McGhee (#8) – 3 points
The Golden Goblet by Eloise Jarvis McGraw (#8) – 3 points
Saffy’s Angel, Hilary McKay (#5)(#10)(#10) – 8 points
Very seldom, I think, does a literary family come along that is just so happy-making (to use a Scott Westerfieldism) that you can’t live without them. The Cassons, in my humble opinion, are such a family. No, Saffy’s Angel isn’t the best book of the lot (which one is? Indigo’s Star? Permanent Rose?), but it’s the first, and it’s a grand introduction to the wonderfulness that is Hilary McKay. – Melissa Fox, Book Nut (
The characters are irresistible. Dialogue is snappy, intelligent and filled with wit. – Sarah Sullivan
6. The Exiles / Hilary McKay
Permanent Rose by Hilary McKay (#6)(#10) – 6 points
Under the Hawthorne Tree by Marita Conlon McKenna (#8) – 3 points
The Blue Sword, Robin McKinley (#4) – 7 points
Oh, it was hard to choose between this and Beauty, but my tween self would insist on this book making my list. – Jess (
The Hero and the Crown by Robin McKinley (#3)(#4)(#5) – 21 points
Is it children’s lit. or YA? Folks, it’s a Newbery winner. A Newbery winner in which the heroine kills a dragon by driving her sword into its eye until she’s up to her armpit in brains. ‘Nuff said.- Brooke Shirts
The New Kid at School (Dragon Slayers’ Academy, No. 1) by Kate McMullan (#9) – 2 points
Revenge of the Dragon Lady (Dragon Slayers’ Academy 2) by Kate McMullan (#8)(#9) – 3 points
Class Trip to the Cave of Doom #3 (Dragon Slayers’ Academy 3) by Kate McMullan (#7) – 4 points
A Wedding for Wiglaf? #4 (Dragon Slayers’ Academy 4) by Kate McMullan (#6) – 5 points
Good Night, Mr. Tom by Michelle Magorian (#2)(#7)(#8) – 16 points
England, WWII, abused child, crusty old man with a heart of gold – what more could you want? – Kathy Jarombek, Head of Youth Services, Perrot Memorial Library, Old Greenwich, CT
Maddigan’s Fantasia by Margaret Mahy (#5) – 6 points
8. Knights of the Round Table by Thomas Malory
#8 Babysitter’s Club Super Special #2– Babysitters’ Summer Vacation by Ann M. Martin
Corner of the Universe by Ann M. Martin (#4) – 7 points
The Doll People by Ann M. Martin (#7) – 4 points
Kristy’s Great Idea by Ann M. Martin (#6) – 5 points
Every Soul a Star by Wendy Mass (#6)(#7) – 9 points
Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life by Wendy Mass (#4)(#8) – 10 points
A Mango Shaped Space by Wendy Mass (#6) – 5 points
Ruby the Red Fairy by Daisy Meadows (#3) – 8 points
Gods of Manhattan by Scott Mebus (#6) – 5 points
The Pushcart War by Jean Merrill (#10)(#10) – 2 points
Can you tell I like funny books? But gentle ones with a message. Five of my top ten are humorous. – Nicole Roohi, Goldenview Middle School Librarian, Anchorage, AK
The Toothpaste Millionaire by Jean Merrill (#9) – 2 points
I was intrigued with the thought of making REAL money as a kid. – Martha Sherod, LAPL
Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen (#2) – 9 points
Puppy Place: Buddy by Ellen Miles (#5) – 6 points
Snowball by Ellen Miles (#4) – 7 points
How Oliver Olson Changed the World by Claudia Mills (#10) – 1 point
The House on Pooh Corner by A.A. Milne (#1) – 10 points
Emily of New Moon by L.M. Montgomery (#3)(#3) – 16 points
Ah, Emily. Although I loved the Anne books with all my heart, I loved black-haired Emily and even hoped that she might, in fact, be Asian. – Alvina Ling
10. Secret Letters from 0 to 10 by Susie Morgenstern — Imagine Amelie as a children’s book. It may seem impossible, but this book is even BETTER than what you’re imagining. – Karen Wang (
The Butterfly Lion by Michael Morpurgo, Michael (#7) – 4 points
It’s hard for me to pick a single Morpurgo title because all of his books are exquisitely told.It is quite a feat to handle potentially harsh subject matter and present it to a newly emerging reader. No one does this better than Morpurgo. When kids come into the store and beg me for "a good story," I always reach for Morpurgp.Something about the combination of lions, long lost love, and WWII really hits home for me. What a perfect opening– boy runs away from cold English Boarding house and stumbles into a ghost story. – Vikki VanSickle –
The Mozart Question by Michael Morpurgo (#2) – 9 points
Running Wild. Michael Morpogo (#7) – 4 points
2. The Quest of the Fair Unknown, Gerald Morris
Squire’s Tale by Gerald Morris (#8) – 3 points
Owls in the Family by Farley Mowatt (#3) – 8 points
Fablehaven by Brandon Mull
(#2)(#3)(#4)(#6)(#8) – 32 points
This is the kind of book that you never want to put down. The great writing allows me to disappear into the story until the end when I re-emerge with a sigh. The kind of book I can stay up all night reading! – Heidi Grange, School Library Media Teacher, Summit Elementary, Smithfield, UT
7. Silver Woven in My Hair, by Shirley Rousseau Murphy
The sweetest Cinderella story. Ever. I remember how delicious it felt to be reading about Thursey reading Cinderella stories, and knowing that SHE was in the middle of a Cinderella story too but that she didn’t know it yet…When I read Where the Mountain Meets the Moon this year, I felt the same way, and wished I could have given Mountain to my 9 year old self. She would have swooned. – Melissa Depper, Youth Services Librarian, Arapahoe Library District CO
Scorpions by Walter Dean Myers (#3) – 8 points
The Agony of Alice by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor (#10) – 1 point
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor (#4)(#5)(#5)(#7)(#8)(#10)(#10) – 28 points
A contemporary OLD YELLER for dog/animal lovers with a warm-hearted protaganist in Marty. Good parental character as well. – Donna Carey, Chattanooga, TN
One of my Newbery favorites. It can be rough reading (emotionally) at times, but I think it’s remarkable. The sequels are fine, but this one is the best. – Jennifer Schultz, Fauquier County Public Library, Warrenton
6. The Girl Who Owned A City by O.T. Nelson
Five Children and It by E. Nesbit (1902)
(#1)(#2)(#2)(#6)(#10) – 34 points
A fantasy classic by one of the first authors to place the magic in the everyday world.- Greg Holch
I want to say The Enchanted Castle, but I think this will get more votes. I love this old, but still delightful book. After all these years it is funny, with believable sibling relationships. This and Alice in Wonderland are the real ancestors of my favorite genre the funny fantasy novel. – Clarissa Cooke
The Phoenix and the Carpet by E. Nesbit (#10) – 1 point Again, I prefer The Railway Children, but I saw the movie first and have never really sorted them out in my mind and I doubt that any children like it at all, and the phoenix is a pleasure, and Nesbitt should be included. So. – Susan Ramsey
The Railway Children by E. Nesbit (#7) – 4 points
The Story of the Amulet by E Nesbit (#3) – 8 points
my daughter loved the whole series but this was her favourite from it – she says it is beautifully written and exciting. – Sarah Haliwell
Griffin’s Castle by Jenny Nimmo (#6) – 5 points
8. In the Face of Danger by Joan Lowery Nixon
Rascal by Sterling North (#8) – 3 points
Greetings from Nowhere by Barbara O’Connor (#5) – 6 points
The Small Adventure of Popeye and Elvis by Barbara O’Connor. (#10) – 1 point
It’s physically small, accessible while being quite complex. Perfectly beautiful writing. Funny and subversive as well. Memorable characters. – Brenda Kahn, School Library Media Specialist, Tenakill Middle School, Closter, NJ
My Friend Flicka by Mary O’Hara (#6) – 5 points
Of course I wanted a horse. – Tina Engelfried
Airborn by Kenneth Oppel (#2)(#4) – 16 points
Great action with pirates, first love, and strange creatures – K. Zottl, Gr.3/4, Cathcart Blvd. Public School, Sarnia, ON
A visionary fantasy novel that reads like historical fiction with page-turning adventure — brilliant. – Beth Maddigan, Provincial Children’s Librarian, Newfoundland and Labrador Public Libraries, St. John’s, NL
Silverwing by Kenneth Oppel (#1)(#4) – 17 points
My all-time favourite annual read-aloud about a diminutive bat with a big spirit – K. Zottl, Gr.3/4, Cathcart Blvd. Public School, Sarnia, ON
Time at the Top by Edward Ormondroyd (#8) – 3 points
Hounds of the Morrigan by Pat O’Shea (#1)(#5) – 16 points
When I am a celebrity and have my own ALA READ poster, I will hold
Hounds of the Morrigan, a rollicking humorous adventure that takes
place in modern day and faraway Ireland, and manages to incorporate a
host of Irish legends into one narrative. The READ posters are a great
vehicle for showcasing a favorite book that needs more recognition
(the visual equivalent of a book talk), which is why I get cranky when
celebrities display books by Jane Austen, Dr. Seuss or J. R. Rowling. – Farida Dowler
Magic Tree House and the Dragon King by Mary Pope Osborne (#6) – 5 points
Magic Tree House: Dragon of the Red Dawn by Mary Pope Osborne (#3) – 8 points
Magic Tree House Ghost Town at Sundown by Mary Pope Osborne (#2) – 9 points
Magic Tree House Dark Day at Deep Sea by Mary Pope Osborne (#3) – 8 points
Magic Tree House: Afternoon in the Amazon By Mary Pope Osborn (#10) – 1 point
Magic Tree House:Ghost Town at Sundown by Mary Pope Osborne (#6) -5 points
Magic Tree House:Polar Bears Past Bedtime by Mary Pope Osborne (#7) – 4 points
Eragon by Christopher Paolini (#1)(#6)(#8) – 18 points
Eldest by Christopher Paolini (#7)(#9) – 6 points
10. Brisinger by Christopher Paolini
Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus by Barbara Park (#6)(#9) – 7 points
Yes, I’ll say it. I love Junie B. Jones with the funny writing, the made-up words, the feeling of childhood in every blessed page.- Pam W. Coughlan (
Junie B., First Grader: Aloha-ha-ha! by Barbara Park (#6) – 5 points
Junie B., First Grader: BOO… and I MEAN IT! by Barbara Park (#8) – 3 points
Mick Harte Was Here by Barbara Park (#2)(#3)(#4)(#9) – 26 points
This is THE BEST book about what it feels like to lose someone you love that I’ve ever read. The narrator’s feelings are right on target. A brief but tremendously well-written novel. Kristi Hazelrigg, Media Specialist, Parkview Elementary
A Single Shard by Linda Sue Park (#5)(#5)(#8) – 15 points
Proof that any topic can be made interesting in the hands of a master storyteller – Brenda Ferber
When My Name was Keoko by Linda Sue Park (#7) – 4 points
Heart of a Shepherd by Rosanne Parry (#8) – 3 points
Jacob Have I Loved by Katherine Paterson (#5)(#7)(#9) – 12 points
Such strong characters are here–those you love, those you hate, those you pity, and those you just want to smack a good one straight across the back o’ the head (i.e., Call). Wheeze is so incredibly real, so honest, and, amazingly enough, so is Caroline. Even when you hate her you don’t hate her. – Kristi Hazelrigg, Media Specialist, Parkview Elementary
The mark of a classic is a book that can span the ages, and that you can get something different out of, each time you read it. I’ve read this one twice in my life: once as a child, where (as the oldest) I identified strongly with Louise’s insecurities and desire for attention. And once as an adult, where I cringed at the parents treatment of Louise and hoped I could be a better parent. I could probably read it again later and get something else from it. And I probably will, too. – Melissa Fox, Book Nut (
The Master Puppeteer by Katherine Paterson (#5) – 6 points
Of Nightingales that Weep by Katherine Paterson (#10) – 1 point
The Higher Power of Lucky by Susan Patron (#3)(#6)(#8) – 16 points
Brian’s Winter by Gary Paulsen (#2) – 9 points
Brian’s Return by Gary Paulsen (#3) – 8 points
Harris & Me by Gary Paulsen (#8)(#10) – 4 points
There are so many favorite Paulsen’s, but we went with this one because it kills us every time and Harris is such a great character. – Jim Randolph
No More Dead Dogs by Gary Paulsen (#4) – 7 points
hilarious and so accurate. – Sian Marshall
Tom’s Midnight Garden by Philippa Pearce
(#2)(#4)(#4)(#5)(#6)(#8)(#9) – 39 points
Again, like The Secret Garden, full of the type of “secret” adventure that will capture generations. – Janice E. Bojda, Head of Children’s Services, Evanston Public Library
Summer, time travel and magic infuse this classic children’s fantasy. I loved this book as a child, and the story stayed with me for decades. Even more delightful, this is one of the books where the magic translated to a new generation- my daughter loved it as much as I did. This is a bit haunting- not quite as light hearted as some of my other picks- that depth? melancholy? mystery? may be why it landed so high on my list. Christine Sealock Kelly
just thinking about Tom running into Hattie’s arms at the end of the book gives me goosebumps – best time-slip fantasy ever! – Kathy Jarombek, Head of Youth Services, Perrot Memorial Library, Old Greenwich, CT
wonderfully unlovable characters who grow on you with every page. – Sallie Wolf
What’s a curious boy to do when the clock in the hall strikes thirteen? Why investigate, of course! Tom goes to the first floor and opens the back door, only to find himself faced with a garden, and not the alleyway that exists there by day. In this new world Tom meets a girl names Hattie, but what’s he to do when faces leaving the home that houses the entry to this other world? – Dr. Patricia M. Stohr-Hunt, Chair, Education Department, University of Richmond
Fair Weather – Richard Peck (#3) – 8 points
Ghosts I Have Been by Richard Peck (#6) – 5 points
It’s a personal thing. I have had such a huge girl-crush on Blossom Culp since I was 13. Coolest heroine that not enough people know about EVER. – A.M. Weir, rockinlibrarian
The River Between Us by Richard Peck (#3) – 8 points
A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck (#2)(#3)(#6)(#7)(#7) – 30 points
Soup by Robert Newton Peck (#5) – 6 points
Clementine by Sara Pennypacker (#3)(#4)(#5)(#6)(#7)(#9)(#9)(#10) – 35 points
The Ramona Quimby of this generation. I LOVE Frazee’s illustrations, and the story of a girl who "does" pay attention, just not to the things her teacher thinks she should is great. I read the first chapter to all my third grade classes and these books are also frequent fliers off my shelves! – Erin Hibshman, Librarian, Rheems and Fairview Elementary, Elizabethtown Area School District
One of the things I love about my job as a school librarian is that no day is ever boring. The story reminds me so much of some of the kids I teach. Their intentions are good but the results can be disastrous. Another feel, good, laugh out loud book, we can never have too many of those. – Heidi Grange, School Library Media Teacher, Summit Elementary, Smithfield, UT
Rambunctious and precocious, Clementine is also incredibly generous. What I love best about this series is that though she gets into scrapes, a) they come from a place of good intentions, and b) her parents understand her – they love her and care about her and so when she gets into trouble, they are there to help her figure it out. – Rebecca Fabian, Children’s Department Manager, Odyssey Bookshop, South Hadley, MA
Please Lord, grant me the grace and understanding of Clementine’s parents. – Stephanie Howell , Lower School Librarian , Carolina Day School , Asheville, NC
Stuart’s Cape by Sara Pennypacker (#7) – 4 points
The Littles by John Peterson (#9) – 2 points
Life as We Knew It by Wendy Beth Pfeffer (#5)(#6) – 11 points
The Adventures of Captain Underpants by Dav Pilkey (#3)(#7) – 12 points
Captain Underpants and the Preposterous Plight of the Purple Potty People by Dav Pilkey (#9) – 2 points
Captain Underpants and the Bionic Booger Boy, Part 1 of the Nasty Nostril Nuggets by Dav Pilkey (#7) – 4 points
Captain Underpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopy Pants by Dav Pilkey (#3) – 8 points
Captain Underpants:The Wrath of the Wicked Wedgie Woman by Dav Pilney (#10) – 1 point
Captain Underpants and the Attack of the Talking Toilets by Dav Pilkey (#10) – 1 point
Ricky Ricotta’s Mighty Robot vs. the Uranium Unicorns by Dav Pilkey (#1) – 10 points
The Hoboken Chicken Emergency by Daniel Pinkwater (#5) – 6 points
Lizard Music by Daniel Pinkwater (#1) – 10 points
9. Buffalo Brenda by Jill Pinkwater — Worst title of all time, but one of the snappiest and funniest — and completely unsung –children’s books I’ve ever read. – Karen Wang (
Captain Nobody by Dean Pitchford (#9) – 2 points
8. The Perilous Gard by Elizabeth Marie Pope. It’s the Tam Lin legend imagined as a gothic suspense tale set in Elizabethan England, complete with a secret underground cult, a Fairy Queen, and toxic super-freakouts. Oh, and Christopher Heron, one of the most swoon-worthy fictional lads this side of Shakespeare.- Brooke Shirts
Sherwood Ring by Elizabeth Marie Pope (#1)(#7)(#8)(#9) – 19 points
Revolutionary War adventures, a modern-day orphaned young woman who learns family history through the family ghosts, and a darned good code! As far as I know, EMP only wrote one other book, The Perilous Gard, and it was equally wonderful. I bet I read The Sherwood Ring at least 8 times in middle school, it was that good! – Lori Erokan
Peacable Sherwood has to be one of my all-time favorite heroes. – Sally Engelfried
Pollyanna by Eleanor H. Porter (#8) – 3 points
A Girl of the Limberlost by Gene Stratton Porter (#1)(#9) – 12 points
Little known outside of the Mid-West, Gene Stratton Porter was a great writer of strong-willed, intelligent (often female) characters, and a tremendous naturalist. I learned more about being outdoors, and about trials and tribulations of human nature, from her books than anywhere else. – Rebecca Fabian, Children’s Department Manager, Odyssey Bookshop, South Hadley, MA
Pish Posh by Ellen Potter (#8) -3 points
The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett (#3)(#8)(#8)(#9)(#9)(#9) – 20 points
I love the way the lessons about love and responsibility are leavened with puns and humor. – Lisa Gordis, Barnard College
Because who doesn’t love little blue men? –Libby Gruner
[My daughter] loved the whole series but this is what first captured her heart; we still use some of its invented words in our own everyday speech. – Sarah Haliwell
The Adventures of the Blackhand Gang by Hans Jurgen Press (#10) – 1 point
The Magic Thief By Sarah Prineas (#1)(#4)(#4)(#5)(#5)(#6)(#7)(#7)(#8)(#9)(#9)(#10) – 57 points
Magic Thief: Lost by Sarah Prineas (#1)(#2)(#6) – 24 points
Peter Duck by Arthur Ransome (#4) – 7 points
The Picts and the Martyrs: Or Not Welcome At All by Arthur Ransome (#7) – 4 points
Swallowdale by Arthur Ransome (#3) – 8 points
The Mysterious Disappearance of Leon (I Mean Noel) by Ellen Raskin (#1)(#7) – 14 points
The Yearling by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings (#2)(#7) – 13 points
another great story with vivid setting and characters. An epic story and the best coming-of-age book I know. – Carl Schwanke, Imaginon/Spangler Children’s Library, Charlotte, NC
Summer of the Monkeys by Wilson Rawls (#6) – 5 points
Larklight: A Rousing Tale of Dauntless Pluck in the Farthest Reaches of Space Philip Reeve (#8)(#8) – 6 points
I love the steampunk, I love the silliness of the hover hogs, and the swashbuckling and all the rest, dearly. A rousing tale it was. I’d forgotten how much pluck Myrtle gets to show, hurling herself at the Queen. Well done! – Kaethe Douglas
The True Meaning of Smekday by Adam Rex (#1)(#8)(#10)(#10) – 15 points
Funny, sardonic, ironic, parodical and great social commentary. And a really great heroes all kids can look up to in both Tip and J.Lo. – tanya @
Perhaps my favorite middle grade book to appear in the past few years. Gratuity "Tip" Tucci’s story is one of humor, adventure, friendship, aliens and cartoons. Rarely have I laughed so hard (J.Lo’s comics relating the history of the Boov are genius in their hilarity), or felt so deeply a character’s attempt to live and thrive in a world that is so often in turmoil. – Sharon Thackston
We loved the cat, loved Gratuity, loved everything about this book. SF fans should read it, kids’ book fans should read it. One of the most satisfying middle reader books ever written. – Kaethe Douglas
A Light in the Forest by Conrad Richter (#4) – 7 points
Ottoline and the Yellow Cat by Chris Riddell (#4) – 7 points
A brilliant combination of text and illustrations, Christ Riddell has introduced an energetic new heroine. I call this series "tame mysteries" because they’re filled with excitement but are not scary. Half the text of the story can be found in the detailed illustrations. The color palette of black, white, and one other color make the illustrations charming and easy to examine for the little tidbits Riddell hides in them. – Rebecca Fabian, Children’s Department Manager, Odyssey Bookshop, South Hadley, MA
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Sea of Monsters (#1)(#1)(#1)(#2)(#2)(#6) – 53 points
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Titan’s Curse by Rick Riordan
(#2)(#2)(#3)(#3)(#7)(#7)(#7)(#8) – 49 points
best of the Percy Jackson books. The ending is moving. – Carl Schwanke, Imaginon/Spangler Children’s Library, Charlotte, NC
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan (#2)(#3)(#4)(#4)(#5)(#8)(#8) – 43 points
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan (#2)(#4)(#4)(#4)(#5)(#7)(#9) – 42 points
Choosing Up Sides by John Ritter (#3) – 8 points
Meghan’s Island by Willo Davis Roberts (#10) – 1 point
The idea of having not only a tree house to hang out in, but one on a private island? Add in the mystery about who is hunting the family, and I was so hooked. – Karen Halpenny, Book Editor, Sesame Street Events Co-Chair
Scared Stiff by Willo Davis Roberts (#3) – 8 points
The View from the Cherry Tree by Willo Davis Roberts (#9) – 2 points
Another mystery that has stuck with me through the years. Held up as an adult reader, too. – Monica Ropal
Henry Reed Inc by Keith Robertson (#8) – 3 points
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson (#2)(#6)(#6)(#8)(#10)(#10) – 24 points
Read this every Christmas. Laugh out loud. Be thankful the Herdmans don’t live in your town. – Kristi Hazelrigg, Media Specialist, Parkview Elementary
You can have your Polar Express. THIS is Christmas. I talk often about the power of humor to break through cliché and let us see something new, feel something real. This book does that in spades. – Linda Urban
I read it every Christmas. I started that tradition back when I was in college. I remember my 4th or 5th grade teacher reading it to us. My brothers were naughty, but couldn’t hold a candle to the Herdmans! I trekked way across Atlanta, once, in horrible rush hour traffic, to meet Barbara Robinson & get her to sign my book. – Kim Hall (aka klonghall)
“The Herdmans were the worst kids in the history of the world. They lied and stole and smoked cigars (even the girls)….” I think this is one of the greatest opening lines to a book. My whole family quotes regularly from this book. – Amy S. Lappin, Children’s Librarian, Lebanon Libraries, Lebanon, NH
How to Eat Fried Worms by Thomas Rockwell (#10) – 1 point
Jimmy’s Stars by Mary Ann Rodman (#9) – 2 points
Yankee Girl by Mary Ann Rodman (#8)(#10) – 4 points
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling (#1)(#1)(#1)(#2)(#3)(#4)(#5)(#6)(#6)(#6)(#8)(#9)(#10) – 81 points
8. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by J.K. Rowling
Quidditch Through the Ages by J.K. Rowling (#5) – 6 points
4. The Wall and the Wing Laura Ruby: Makes for a great read-aloud. Suspense, weirdness, and plenty of humor. I loved it, the girls loved it, we suggested it to an adult friend who reads a lot of kids and YA, she loved it. – Kaethe Douglas
Haroun and the Sea of Stories by Salman Rushdie(#10) – 1 point
Becoming Naomi Leon by Pam Munoz Ryan (#3)(#6) – 13 points
Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan (#5)(#8)(#9) – 11 points
she was once our preschool director when I was on the board–we thought she was throwing away a valuable career to go write books!–so glad we were so wrong.- Ed Spicer
Missing May by Cynthia Rylant (#2)(#4)(#4)(#5)(#8) – 32 points
Love it for the first sentence. Love it just as much for the last. Nobody else writes like Rylant. – Linda Urban
Dogs Don’t Tell Jokes by Louis Sachar (#1) – 10 points
Someday, Angeline by Louis Sachar (#1)(#4) – 17 points
There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom by Louis Sachar (#3)(#3)(#3)(#4)(#6)(#9) – 38 points
Remains one of the funniest books I have ever read. – Karen Halpenny, Book Editor, Sesame Street Events Co-Chair
Wayside School is Falling Down by Louis Sachar(#1) – 10 points
The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (#2)(#7)(#9)(#10) – 16 points
Deeply wise and profound, and unique and artistic, it’s still a wonderful read for all. One of the few books (I’m not ashamed to say) I cried over when I first read it, and something that can genuinely, in its own quiet way, can change your world views. Plus it is a great story, and, hey, international. – Billy
Dolphin Song by Lauren St. John (#7) – 4 points
The White Giraffe by Lauren St. John (#8) – 3 points
The Ghost Next Door by Wylly Folk St. John (#9) – 2 points
This was my favorite book as a kid. I must have read it a hundred times. My list wouldn’t be complete without it. – Jennifer Wilson, Library Manager, Pleasant Valley School, South Windsor, CT
Night of the Howling Dogs – Graham Salisbury (#5) – 6 points
Awesome survival story and great depiction of Boy Scouts – Sian Marshall
Fog Magic-by Julia Sauer (#5) – 6 points
time travel fantasy-Amy Sears, Supervising Librarian, Head of Youth Services, Teaneck Public Library, Teaneck, NJ
A Drowned Maiden’s Hair by Laura Amy Schlitz (#4)(#7) -16 points
This book deserved SO MUCH MORE ATTENTION THAT IT RECEIVED. It has a great plot, delicious flawed characters, plus a spunky heroine and one of the best first lines ever! – Sarah Sullivan
I believe I learned about this book from your blog, Betsy. I now adore it, and recommend it whenever possible. – Jennifer Schultz, Fauquier County Public Library, Warrenton
At the Barbary Asylum for Female Orphans, eleven-year-old Maud is adopted by three spinster sisters moonlighting as mediums who take her home and reveal to her the role she will play in their seances. (Another one I read to my husband–I burned it to CDs so he could listen on a 3-hour commute) – Laurel Sharp, Liverpool Public Library, Liverpool, NY
Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy by Gary Schmidt (#1)(#4)(#5)(#9)(#10) – 26 points
Wow. To think that there is an actual historical basis for this title is…well, shameful. What a story. Great characters (even the ones you can’t stand). Kristi Hazelrigg, Media Specialist, Parkview Elementary
Powells lists this as a middle reader, so I’ll risk adding. When I finished reading that book, I felt in my soul that this would win the Newbery (close) – Mary Ann Rodman
The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt (#6)(#7)(#7)(#9)(#10) – 16 points
If something new is going to make it onto this list, it’s my favorite story of cream puffs and Shakespeare and boys with ridiculous names. Toads, beetles, bats! – Jess (
funny and lovely. – Lisa Gordis, Barnard College
A Rat’s Tale by Tor Seidler (#5) – 6 points
Tor Seidler just doesn’t get enough love, and I doubt he’ll make the top 100, but in my opinion, his deft portrayal of complex emotions in the animal kingdom leaves E.B. White spluttering in the dust. – Katherine Harrison, Editorial Assistant, Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers
A Cricket in Times Square by George Selden (#3)(#5)(#6)(#7)(#7)(#8)(#8)(#9) – 35 points
#5 The Cricket in Times Square – genius characters, not cliched, even the ones that verge on stereotypes. – Schuyler Hooke
(3) George Selden, The Cricket In Times Square Farrar, Straus and Giroux 1960.
New York, stands-the-test-of time, magic happens, great illustrations! – Kate Colquitt, Teen Services Librarian, The Greenburgh Public Library, Elmsford, NY
Please let this make the top 100! This book needs a renaissance! – Dreadful Penny,
The most charming book about a bug ever. – Katie Fee, Associate Marketing Manager, Bloomsbury Children’s Books and Walker Books for Young Readers
The Good Master by Kate Seredy (#9) – 2 points
Two Little Savages by Ernest Thompson Seton (#3) – 8 points
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell (#2)(#6) –14 points
for the lessons in empathy that still live with me – Elena Blake
(1) Phyllis Shalant, The Great Cape Rescue Dutton 2007. Great for boys, superhero wanna-bes and those btw 3-5th grade who still feel the power of possibilities through ordinary – everyone can – make magical things happen. – Kate Colquitt, Teen Services Librarian, The Greenburgh Public Library, Elmsford, NY
Blue Jasmine by Kashmira Sheth (#10) – 1 point
Boys Without Names by Kashmira Sheth (#8) – 3 points
This is a 2010 book, but it is already my favorite for the year. Absolutely unforgettable. – Mary Ann Rodman
The Silver Fox (Blood in the Snow) by Marlene Fanta Shyer (#6) – 5 points
When the Whistle Blows by Fran Cannon Slayton (#9) – 2 points
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith (#2)(#8) – 12 points
The Hundred and One Dalmatians by Dodie Smith (#2)(#6) – 14 points
9. A Taste of Blackberries by Doris Buchanan Smith
The Jennifer Prize by Eunice Young Smith (#9) – 2 points
Chocolate Fever by Robert Kimmel Smith (#4)(#5)(#7)(#10) – 22 points
Jelly Belly by Robert Kimmel Smith (#9) – 2 points
Is this the first ever fat camp book? Kudos to Kimmel Smith for tackling childhood obesity before it became the latest movie-of-the week topic. – Jennifer Hubert Swan, Little Red School House, New York, NY
Elephant Run by Roland Smith (#3) – 8 points
I, Loreli by Yeardley Smith (#10) – 1 point
A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Reptile Room by Lemony Snicket (#2)(#5)(#5) – 21 points
A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Wide Window by Lemony Snicket (#3)(#6)(#8) – 16 points
A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Miserable Mill by Lemony Snicket (#2)(#4) – 16 points
A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Austere Academy by Lemony Snicket (#5) – 6 points
A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Vile Village by Lemony Snicket (#7) – 4 points
A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Ersatz Elevator by Lemony Snicket (#6)(#6)(#7) – 14 points
again, respects the capabilities of young readers – Alicia Blowers
I picked this particular installment in the series because it’s when the larger mystery starts to blossom (a word which here means, "first rears its ugly, unibrowed head"). The moment when the Baudelaires discover where the secret passage leads is one of those major Twilight Zone moments where the world turns upside down and all the blood rushes to your head in terrifying clarity — kind of like the freeze frame at the end of the Thriller video where MJ flashes his crazy monster eyes! – Karen Wang (
A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Carnivorous Carnival (#6) – 5 points
A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Grim Grotto (#1) – 10 points
A Series of Unfortunate Events: The End (#1) – 10 points
Below the Root by Zilpha Keatly Snyder (#6) – 5 points
I’ll bet I’m the only one voting for this book.. No one I know has ever heard of it. Rocked my ten-year-old world. – Stephanie Howell , Lower School Librarian , Carolina Day School , Asheville, NC
Black and Blue Magic by Zilpha Keatley Snyder (#2)(#10) – 10 points
I knew the monkey island mentioned in the book, it was at the S.F zoo. – Tina Engelfried
I loved many of her books as a kid, but this one is less dark and more joyful than most, and my kids love it, too. My husband remembered it from his childhood, and our first copy in the house (since read to shreds) was purchased as a surprise for him, after he reminisced about a terrific book about a kid with wings. – Lisa Gordis, Barnard College
The Changeling by Zilpha Keatley Snyder (#4) – 7 points
The Famous Stanley Kidnapping Case by Zilpha Keatley Snyder (#4) – 7 points
The Headless Cupid by Zilpha Keatly Snyder (#8) – 3 points
The Velvet Room by Zilpha Keatley Snyder (#4)(#5)(#10) – 14 points
The Witches of Worm by Zilpha Keatley Snyder (#8) – 3 points
Encyclopedia Brown, Boy Detective by Donald Sobol (#6)(#7)(#10) – 10 points
The best part about this book, and all the others in the series, is that I never remembered the solutions to the mysteries, so I could re-read them over and over. This is something I still enjoy about mysteries! – Kara Dean
5. Encyclopedia Brown Gets His Man by Donald Sobol
Miracles on Maple Hill by Virginia Sorenson (#4) – 7 points
Calico Captive by Elizabeth George Speare (#5)(#9) – 8 points
not as well known but great historical fiction, action, adventure plus one of 2 books set in NH that has a place to visit Old Fort Number 4 in Charlestown. – Amy Sears, Supervising Librarian, Head of Youth Services, Teaneck Public Library, Teaneck, NJ
The Sign of the Beaver by Elizabeth George Speare (#7) – 4 points
Call It Courage by Armstrong Sperry (#6) – 5 points
wonderful adventure story. Best book in the world for reluctant readers. – Carl Schwanke, Imaginon/Spangler Children’s Library, Charlotte, NC
Crash by Jerry Spinelli (#9) – 2 points
Eggs by Jerry Spinelli (#9) – 2 points
Loser by Jerry Spinelli (#5) – 6 points
Wringer by Jerry Spinelli (#5) – 6 points
8. The Case of the Missing Marquess, An Enola Holmes Mystery – Nancy Springer
The Case of the Bizarre Bouquets by Nancy Springer (#10) – 1 point
Like our lovely poll-taker, this is my favorite series out there right now. But how to pick the best one? I had to go back to my notes from library school, in which I wrote, "Springer just keeps getting better, and this entry is possibly the best of the series so far: a better, trickier mystery, less exposition, and some fabulously meta jokes about Sherlock and Watson." – Mark Flowers, John F. Kennedy Library, Vallejo, CA
Heidi by Johanna Spyri (#6)(#7)(#7)(#8)(#8)(#10)(#10) – 21 points
I’ve always had a weakness for Heidi, even though I think this is the one book on my list that may not make your Top 100 list. Heidi’s reclamation of her grandfather and their joint project to help Clara and Peter grow up and become healthy in body and mind make a great story. – Sherry Early
Another family I could have moved in with. This was my go-to book when I was sick. Comfort food for the imagination. – Stephanie Howell , Lower School Librarian , Carolina Day School , Asheville, NC
6. Donuthead by Sue Stauffacher
1. Dominic by William Steig
The most memorable reading experience of my childhood was listening to my father read and reread Dominic to me and my brother once or twice a year for a couple of years. The novel is truly more than the sum of its perfect parts. The language, the adventure and humor all work for me. As a teacher I’ve read Dominic to my students at the tail end of each year, after reading all of Steig’s amazing picture books. I can’t express the amount of joy I get out of seeing my second graders absorbing this tale. As elements and motifs from his other works appear in the story, my students race to make astute connections which leave me awestruck. In my mind a perfect chapter book is one which grows richer with each additional reading. Dominic exemplifies this more than any other piece of literature I have ever encountered. – Eric Carpenter
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
(#1)(#1)(#3)(#6)(#7)(#10) – 38 points
My favorite adventure book as a boy which I re-read each year for many years – David Ziegler
The greatest pirate story ever written, action, adventure, exotic locales, vivid characters, and a true coming-of-age tale that doesn’t wrap things up nicely and neatly (young Hawkins has nightmares about it afterwards) What more could you want? – Carl Schwanke, Imaginon/Spangler Children’s Library, Charlotte, NC
The Edge Chronicles: Beyond the Deep Woods by Paul Stewart (#1)(#3)(#4)(#8) – 28 points
The Edge Chronicles: Midnight Over Sanctaphrax by Paul Stewart (#3)(#8) – 11 points
The Edge Chronicles: Vox by Paul Stewart (#2) – 9 points
The Edge Chronicles: Freeglader by Paul Stewart (#10) – 1 point
The Edge Chronicles: Curse of The Gloamglozer by Paul Stewart (#10) – 1 point
The Edge Chronicles: Stormchaser by Paul Stewart (#2)(#9) – 11 points
The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey by Trenton Lee Stewart (#3)(#4) – 15 points
The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Prisoners Dilemma by Trenton Lee Stewart (#5) – 6 points
Geronimo Stilton: Down and Out Down Under by Geronimo Stilton (#6) – 5 points
Geronimo Stilton: Christmas Toy Factory (#7) – 4 points
Geronimo Stilton: The Mysterious Cheese Investigation (#8) – 3 points
Geronimo Stilton: Temple of the Ruby of Fire by Geronimo Stilton (#5) – 6 points
Geronimo Stilton: The Curse of the Cheese Pyramid by Geronimo Stilton (#3) – 8 points
Geronimo Stilton: The Emerald Eye by Geronimo Stilton (#9) – 2 points
Geronimo Stilton: Treasure of the Emerald Eye by Geronimo Stilton (#4) – 7 points
Geronimo Stilton: Curse of the Cheese Pyramid by Geronimo Stilton (#9) – 2 points
Welcome to Deadhouse (Goosebumps series #1) by R.L. Stine (#10) – 1 point
For getting reluctant kids to keep reading. – K. Zottl, Gr.3/4, Cathcart Blvd. Public School, Sarnia, ON
4. Goosebumps: Ghost Beach by R.L. Stine
The Amulet of Samarkand by Jonathan Stroud (#5) – 6 points
Ptolemy’s Gate by Jonathan Stroud (#1) – 10 points
Apple Bough by Noel Streatfeild (#3) – 8 points
The Painted Garden (also published as Movie Shoes) by Noel Streatfeild (#10) -1 point
I loved this book when I was a kid because it was such a terrific reworking of The Secret Garden. I still think it’s brilliantly intertextual and really smart about what it means to try to inhabit a book. I used to want to be "discovered" as the next, next Mary Lennox. –Libby Gruner
The Mark of the Horse Lord by Rosemary Sutcliff (#8) – 3 points
The Cay by Theodore Taylor (#4) – 7 points
Timothy of the Cay by Theodore Taylor (#5) – 6 points
Lad: A Dog by Albert Payson Terhune (#7)(#10) – 5 points
Maybe I couldn’t travel to Narnia, but a Collie was attainable. – Michele Gawenka
4. Thompson, Ruth Plumly. The Giant Horse of Oz. Chicago: Reilly and Lee, 1928. I loved the entire 40+ Oz book series as a child, and still treasure them. Thompson’s books for the series have a special sense of whimsy and wordplay and more people should know them. – Jenny Schwartzberg
The Thirteen Clocks by James Thurber (#1)(#2)(#4)(#6) – 31 points
Back off, Princess Bride. This here’s probably the original “fractured fairy tale.” The story includes an evil Duke who sports both a glass eye, an eye patch, and a sword cane; man-eating geese; a prince-disguised-as-a-minstrel (or is it the other way ’round?); the magic roses of Princess Saralinda; and the lovable Golux with his “indescribable hat.” Add to that a heaping helping of classic Thurberean asides (“I sent eleven guards to kill the prince.” “But the prince is as strong as ten men.” “So that means there will be one left to finish him off!”) and you can easily see why Neil Gaiman has declared it to be “probably the best book in the world.”- Brooke Shirts
Basil in Mexico by Eve Titus (#7) – 4 points
Surviving the Applewhites by Stephanie S. Tolan (#3) – 8 points
Mary Poppins by P.L. Travers (#4)(#7)(#7)(#10) – 16 points
As delightful as the Julie Andrews movie adaptation is, there are four Mary Poppins novels that just scream to be read! One of the original "everyday magic" sort of books. Delightful! – Rebecca Fabian, Children’s Department Manager, Odyssey Bookshop, South Hadley, MA
Mary Poppins Comes Back by P. L. Travers (#5) – 6 points
Probably a wasted vote since it’s not the first book, but I have to pick this one for my favorite MP chapters: “Robertson Ay’s Story” and “The Evening Out.” – Steven Engelfried, Raising A Reader Coordinator, 2010 Newbery Award Committee Member, Multnomah County Library, Portland, OR
9. Meet Kit by Valerie Tripp
10. Kit Saves the Day by Valerie Tripp
Ethel Turner, Seven Little Australians by Ethel Turner (#8) – 3 points
The Queen of Attolia, by Megan Whalen Turner (#5) – 6 points
The Queen of Attolia I think of as YA, because the romance is exquisitely done, but I decided to bow to Powell’s judgment. Exquisite. When I first read this one, I was reading it aloud to my sons. (My older son had suggested us reading The Thief, so when the sequel came out, we wanted to read it aloud together.) I confess that I was not able to stand it — after my boys went to bed, I sat there and finished the book! And that happened more than once! A book worth reading over and over again to see how all the plot threads intertwine. – Sondra Eklund, Youth Services Manager, Herndon Fortnightly Library, Herndon, VA –
The King of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner (#4)(#5)(#5) – 19 points
This book beat out some very big names, insisting on a spot on the list because it is, quite simply, one of the best I’ve ever read. Yes, you really should read The Thief and The Queen of Attolia first, but that’s simply extra payoff as you watch Turner create her compelling Greco-Byzantine fantasy world with its subtle pantheon of very real gods. Turner’s work is the epitome of craftsmanship, the reason I’ve read The King of Attolia repeatedly, something I can only say about a handful of books. You’ll be hard-pressed to find the questions Turner brings up as thoughtfully considered in adult fiction: What makes a hero, or a leader? What does love really mean, and loyalty? All this and an adventure, too! As for the characters, they are rounded and real, with Gen leading the pack as a marvelously sly, cantankerous, vain, yet ultimately kind Trickster King, a new hero for a new millenium. Kate Coombs at Book Aunt (
This wasn’t going to be on the list at first glance, as I was placing it on the YA side of things. Although the Eugenides series is my current obsessive series, the one I fear I may die before I get to the end, I realize that it is much too subtle and complex for the average middle-grade reader. Thus I wasn’t going to put it on my list, but then I took Betsy’s advice and checked what Powell’s had to say on the subject of its reading level and as you can plainly see it is firmly placed in the middle-grade section. I’m choosing The King of Attolia over The Thief as it is my favorite of the three I’ve been able to get at thus far. (I really think those you with ARCs of #4 are just plain cruel to flaunt your riches on Goodreads in front of us peasants) Outside of Grandma Dowdel there is no other character I love more than Eugenides. I actually believe they would be very good friends. Can you imagine the high jinks the two of them could pull off? Mischievous teenagers and conniving attendants should be put on notice at once. – DaNae at The Librariest
Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain (#6)(#7) – 9 points
Just so much fun. – Sarah Haliwell
Journey to Topaz by Yoshiko Uchida (#5)(#10) – 7 points
Because for the first time, I remember reading about a part of Japanese American history, in a novel for children. I also hope to get more multicultural books on this best list! – DeAnn Okamura
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban (#8)(#10) – 4 points
This book provides a delightful look at dealing with the disappointments that we all face in life and making the best of our circumstances. – Heidi Grange, School Library Media Teacher, Summit Elementary, Smithfield, UT
The Shadow Thieves by Anne Ursu (#3) – 8 points
Greek gods behaving badly, mystery, cats. We all loved it. – Kaethe Douglas
3-A Traveler in Time by Alison Uttley
(I love well done time travel, and ended up majoring in Elizabethan England, partly because of this book and partly because of Young Bess by Margaret Irwin but I think that is YA) – Constance Martin
8. Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen
Sammy Keyes and the Hotel Thief, by Wendelin Van Draanen (#7) – 4 points
Isabel of the Whales by Hester Velmans (#7) – 4 points
Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne (#5) – 6 points
The definitive work from the master of adventure, where the wonderfully fun characters dive from one exotic locale (and dated mode of transportation, but hey, that’s become part of the fun and frankly – timelessness) to the next and the fun and excitement never lets up for a second. – Billy
In Search of the Castaways or the Children of Captain Grant by Jules Verne (#1) – 10 points
The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne (#2) – 9 points
Dicey’s Song by Cynthia Voigt (#3)(#3)(#8)(#10) – 20 points
I read this book in fifth grade. This was my first realization that there was a difference between the series novels I raced through and quality writing that made me feel something after I was done reading. Tina @
Homecoming by Cynthia Voigt (#2)(#6)(#6)(#8)(#9) – 24 points
WHY? Because this tough, gorgeous story about a 13 year-old girl who goes to incredible lengths to keep her family together when her mother abandons them in a parking lot is one of the finest pieces of writing about family ever. – Walter M. Mayes
Great family story – Marci Dressler, Ossining Public Library, Ossining, NY
I couldn’t put this series down and remember waiting impatiently for all the sequels. – Martha Sherod, LAPL
The Key is Lost by Ida Vos (#9) – 2 points
A Dog Called Kitty by Bill Wallace (#9) – 2 points
101 Ways to Bug your Parents by Lee Wardlaw (#6) – 5 points
The Boxcar Children by Gertrude Chandler Warner (#2)(#3)(#7)(#8)(#8)(#10)(#10)(#10)(#10) – 31 points
The first book was the best because the kids had the most independence and ingenuity. The drivel currently being pushed out as the continuing series makes me nauseous. I knew vampires had hit super saturation in children’s literature when there was a Boxcar Children book about it. I’m waiting for the angels book. – Abigail Goben
this made me want to live in a boxcar – I wonder if it’s the first survival book for children – Paige Ysteboe
The 39 Clues: Beyond the Grave by Jude Watson (#5)(#10) – 7 points
Who cares if they’re enduring classics, quick entertainment, or clever marketing, these books are more FUN than anything else out there. Worldwide conspiracies, humor, edge-of-your-seat suspense, brain teasers, and some actual character growth. – Carl Schwanke, Imaginon/Spangler Children’s Library, Charlotte, NC
5. Witch of the Glens–by Sally Watson
who my sister told me about and who probably wasn’t that great of a writer but always had gutsy heroines in historical settings and taught me most of what I know about English history. – Sally Engelfried
Daddy Long-Legs by Jean Webster (#7)(#9)(#9)(#10) – 9 points
another feisty female character with a great sense of humor – Sallie Wolf
I have probably read this book and its sequel twenty times. – Paige Ysteboe
Long before today’s batch of “novels with cartoons,” the world was blessed with the ficticious illustrated letters of Judy Abbot’s adventures at college, circa 1912. Part of this novel’s lasting charm is its revelation that, in some ways, college students haven’t changed that much over the years. For example: Judy and her friends stay up late in the dorms debating over whether or not it would be possible to swim through a pool filled with lemon-flavored Jell-O. Add pizza and a Che Guevara poster to that scene, and you see what I mean.- Brooke Shirts
Leviathan, by Scott Westerfeld (#10) – 1 points
I feel like a lot of my choices were heavily weighted by nostalgia. Were they really that good, or is the glow I feel from re-reading them so often as a child influencing my selection today? Obviously this isn’t the case with Leviathan, which is a wonderful adventure. With great illustrations, to boot! – Sandy Dunavan
Homeless Bird by Gloria Whelan (#9) – 2 points
Listening for Lions by Gloria Whelan (#8 ) – 3 points
Stuart Little by E. B. White (#3)(#5)(#9) – 16 points
This title and Charlotte’s Web began my lifelong love of reading. – DeAnn Okamura
Trumpet of the Swan by E.B. White (#7)(#9)(#10) – 7 points
Mistress Masham’s Repose by T.H. White (#2) – 9 points
Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder (#5)(#6)(#6)(#8)(#10) – 20 points
I suspect this is splitting the vote, but I have the feeling that the Laura Ingalls Wilder fans out there are already stepping on each others toes in trying to strategically vote. Unlike some series each of these books is so different from the next, changing scenery, changing worldview as Laura becomes older, and even changing characters, as in Farmer Boy, that one can’t hedge one’s bets by just voting for the first in the series. I wonder how many others were like me and preferred Almanzo’s tale to Laura’s? – Ann Carpenter, Youth Services Librarian, Brooks Free Library
Sorry Laura… – Stephanie Howell , Lower School Librarian , Carolina Day School , Asheville, NC
I really enjoyed this brief hiatus from the rigors of life on the prairie.- Kara Dean
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm by Kate Douglas Wiggin (#9) – 2 points
Flora Segunda: Being the Magickal Mishaps of a Girl of Spirit, Her Glass-Gazing Sidekick, Two Ominous Butlers (One Blue), a House with Eleven Thousand Rooms, and a Red Dog by Ysabeau S. Wilce (#9) – 2 points
A steampunk world without rigid gender roles but with magick. A book about a girl turning 14 who doesn’t want to join the army like her perfect elder sister, and who is sick of holding together the crumbling 11,000-room family home. – Kaethe Douglas
By the Shores of Silver Lake, by Laura Ingalls Wilder (#3) – 8 points
Perfect winter reading. – Stacy Dillon, Lower School Librarian, LREI – Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School
The Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder (#3)(#6)(#7)(#7)(#9) – 23 points
The best of the series: a heroic survival story, and the most theatrical of Wilder’s works. I wonder if it’s ever been staged. I am still uplifted by the heroism of the Ingalls family as they struggle through months of cold and darkness. Though they suffer great privation, they hold on tight to hope, civility, and integrity. – Laura Amy Schlitz
These Happy Golden Years by Laura Ingalls Wilder (#3)(#5)(#10) – 15 points
I loved all the Little House books as a child, but this one! The romance! I loved it when Laura showed up Nellie on the buggy ride with Almanzo! – Kathy Jarombek, Head of Youth Services, Perrot Memorial Library, Old Greenwich, CT
My favorite Little House book. Laura and Almanzo were the first couple I ever "shipped". The story is universal, and just as relevant today as it was one hundred+ years ago. – Jennifer Sauls
Each Little Bird That Sings by Deborah Wiles (#1)(#4) – 17 points
I lovedlovedloved this book. Incredible characterization. Quirky, unique names. Heart-wrenching speeches. Deborah Wiles has such talent. When I read this, I was in Snapfinger, Mississippi. I could see the inside of Snowberger’s Funeral Home. I was terrified on the rock with Comfort and Dismay. (And annoying Peach.) I wanted to slap Declaration’s snooty face. And I was most definitely inside Comfort’s closet with her as she sat with her mayonnaise jar of freshly-sharpened pencils.
I was so proud to make it through the collar-on-the-gravestone scene without crying, and then Wiles snuck up on the other side and got me with–of all things–a funeral for a dog. Oh, she’s a good one, she is. – Kristi Hazelrigg, Media Specialist, Parkview Elementary
Tunnels by Brian Williams (#7) – 4 points
Scooter by Vera B. Williams (#7) – 4 points
10. One Crazy Summer by Rita Williams-Garcia
Adam Canfield of the Slash by Michael Winerip (#6) – 5 points
I always thougth this was about a street gang until I read it. Adam could be any kid in Middle School today trying to do it all. – Sian Marshall
The Castle in the Attic by Elizabeth Winthrop (#8) – 3 points
Counting on Grace by Elizabeth Winthrop (#9) – 2 points
Shadow of a Bull – Maia Wojciechowska (#9) – 2 points
Dealing with Dragons (The Enchanted Forest Chronicles, Book 1) by Patricia C. Wrede
(#3)(#3)(#4)(#4)(#5)(#10) – 37 points
A feminist fairy tale with a very smart young princess and an unusual dragon. – Kaethe Douglas
The first in Patricia C. Wrede’s Enchanted Forest chronicles, this classic fantasy stands fairy tale conventions and stereotypes on their heads while producing an exciting, hilarious, and delightful story. Jennifer Wharton, Youth Services Librarian, Matheson Memorial Library
The heroine is not only a kick-ass adventurer, she has a biting wit to boot. My friend Maggie swears she’s going to name her first-born “Cimorene.” – Katherine Harrison, Editorial Assistant, Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers
The Dollhouse Murders by Betty Ren Wright (#1)(#7)(#8)(#9) – 19 points
Scared the crap out of me, and began my love of books that scare the crap out of me. – Karen Halpenny, Book Editor, Sesame Street Events Co-Chair
Swiss Family Robinson by Johann Wyss (#3)(#8) – 11 points
I think I maybe did move in with this family for a while (in my 8-year-old imagination) – Stephanie Howell , Lower School Librarian , Carolina Day School , Asheville, NC
I loved this book growing up, can remember rereading it multiple times on my own – Sarah Schreffler
Millicent Min, Girl Genius by Lisa Yee (#2)(#4)(#6) – 21 points
The voice of Millicent Min is so strong, Yee had me convinced she exists somewhere for real. – Lenore –
The Devil’s Arithmetic by Jane Yolen (#1)(#3)(#5)(#8) – 27 points
Dragon’s Blood by Jane Yolen (#6) – 5 points
Filed under: Top 100 Children's Novels (2010)
About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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rockinlibrarian says
OH OH OH! The rest of the list is over here! Does everyone else realise this? I only just flipped back to read old comments!
Yay, Dawn Treader lovers!
Aw, nobody else loves Ghosts I have Been like I do…
I agree with Carl Schwanke, Titan’s Curse WAS the best Percy Jackson book, though he was apparently the only adult who voted for it!
I also want to second everyone who claims The Best Christmas Pageant Ever as the best Christmas BOOK ever!
What? Of all the Lemony Snicket books to get votes, no one picked Penultimate Peril?! Obviously any librarians who voted for the series must have gone with the first one/whole series vote…
Okay, I guess all I have left to do is go respond to the entire top 120 on my own blog now… Thank you for the great trip!
My Boaz's Ruth says
Saffy’s Angel is the first book in a SERIES???? I’ll have to look that up.
Chris in NY says
Dawn Treader lovers represent!
Sharon says
Oh, blessings! Someone else voted for “Smekday”! And three someones at that. It warms my heart just to think about it.
Rachael V. says
My Boaz’s Ruth: Heck yes it is, and the series just keeps getting better!
Caroline says
This has all just been such a great experience. Throughout the entire countdown I have at times been giddy, confused, excited, and inspired. Six of my choices made the top 100, but for three of my other choices I was the only vote! Oh well. I have enough reading to keep me busy for ages!
Eric says
Scrolled right down to the Ss expecting to see at least a couple other votes for Dominic or maybe some votes for Abel’s Island….so incredibly disappointed. Have Steig’s novels somehow lost favor? While difficult experiences they are ever so rewarding. I am simply flabbergasted.
Kaethe says
I’m feeling like the queen of the also-rans. Well, I’m confident that my choices will make it into the top 100 eventually.
Thanks for doing all this work, Betsy! If you rocked any harder we’d be seasick!
cwsherwood says
So much fun to read this! And I’m gratified that there are at least a few others who also loved The Velvet Room and Calico Captive (I named my daughter after the sister, Susanna, in this book, because I so greatly admired her qualities of gentle strength, loyalty and love to family, and kindness to all.)
Genevieve says
So many favorites here . . . two other people voted for Swiftly Tilting Planet, yay! I love it with a deep and abiding love.
There’s Smekday, The Long Winter, Daddy-Long-Legs, Millicent Min, A Crooked Kind of Perfect, The Mysterious Disappearce of Leon (I Mean Noel), Alvin Ho, the Casson family series e.g. Saffy’s Angel, yahoo! and DAWN TREADER REPRESENT!
Catherine says
I started out with a list of about 50 books, and the only one not anywhere on these lists is The Birchbark House. This is so sad. Erdrich is a fabulous writer, and this book is just about perfect!
Thank you, Betsy, for the incredible effort you put in to creating another outstanding list!
Kristin says
I was on a deadline when the whole poll was announced, so I didn’t have time to think things through all the way. I would have given GHOSTS I HAVE BEEN some love if I had remembered it. I adored that book. About half of my books hit the Top Hundred.
But 9 out of 10 authors were there.
This has been fun! I’m begging for a top series poll once Betsy feels up to it.
DeAnn O. says
Oh, someone else voted for Journey to Topaz! 🙂 Only 2 of my top 10 didn’t make the list. I’m happy! Thanks Betsy! I hope you have a nice vacation planned now.
Hazel says
Both people who voted for/commented on Kenneth Oppel were Canadian –interesting. I was so surprised he didn’t make the list (if this had been a Canadian poll he definitely would have). Obviously there are more demographic differences than I would have thought.
Hazel says
Did no one vote for The Hollow Tree? Surprising.
DaNae says
When it comes to L’Engle I’ve always been more of an Austin girl over the O’Keefe family. They got to swim with dolphins after all.
Chris in NY says
Laughter. Re Dawn Treader- Genevieve, how did I know it would be you?
Sondy says
Oops! You forgot to include my vote for THE WORLD OF POOH — which isn’t quite fair since you told me you didn’t include it in the votes for WINNIE-THE-POOH. I’m happy someone else voted for THE HOUSE AT POOH CORNER, because it just doesn’t seem right to leave out Tigger. But those split votes are such a shame!
Carl in Charlotte says
Yes, Dawn Treaders Represent! Reading it for the first time was one of the best literary experiences of my life. I started it one night just before bed and didn’t finish until 3 in the morning. And, thanks, rockillibrarian, for agreeing with me about The Titan’s Curse. I have you to thank for that, Betsy. I learned about it from you. Hmm–do I see a pattern? Maybe I have a thing for third books.
Fuse #8 says
The World of Pooh confounds me a tad. Is it a compilation of Pooh stories? In the end I think I counted it as “Winnie-the-Pooh” anyway, so no fears. Your vote was counted.
Laurie (Six Boxes of Books) says
Someone I don’t know who loves Time at the Top… I am pleased. And the sequel is so, so good too.
David Ziegler says
Nice to see some of the animal stories getting some votes – especially Shiloh.
The best discovery for me in this poll was the Thief, followed by the other Attolia books – such gems! I’m on hold for Conspiracy of Kings now, and am reading from my list of re-reads and need-to-reads from this list (especially the top 120). Thanks everyone for your input and helpful comments!
Sondy says
THE WORLD OF POOH is simply WINNIE-THE-POOH plus THE HOUSE AT POOH CORNER collected into one volume. It also has color illustrations added by E. H. Shepard — originally the other Pooh books were only in black and white.
I have to admit that my favorite Pooh stories to read aloud are found in THE HOUSE AT POOH CORNER — because Tigger doesn’t come to the forest until that book. But the title WINNIE-THE-POOH is the icon, so I tried to cheat by voting for both with THE WORLD OF POOH.
Sondy says
PS I’m sorry, but I can’t bring myself to even read the recent “sequel.” The boy and his bear are still playing in that part of the forest for me. It’s just wrong to write another.
PPS A big thrill for my family was playing Poohsticks at the original bridge in England. Both my boys first imaginary character was Piglet. (“Hi Josh,” said Mommy. “My name is Piglet!” said 3-year-old Josh, in a high squeaky voice.) When my second son was 3 years old at Christmas, we addressed the presents in our family to Pooh (him), Piglet (lucky me), Tigger (Dad), and Christopher Robin (big brother). When my little boy started calling me from his room by “Piiiiglet!” I thought he had gone a little too far.
RM1(SS) (ret) says
Laurie: I was the one who nominated Time at the Top. I’ve read the sequel, but didn’t enjoy it quite as much as the first book.
Sondy: We used to take our girls out to play Poohsticks, too!
No nominations for Dean Marshall, alas – The Invisible Island really should have been on my list!
I read Dicey’s Song along with the rest of the Newberys; noticing that it was actually a sequel, I read Homecoming first. Liked them so much that I went on to read several other books in the series, too.
I’ve started a list of books I’ve never heard of but obviously must now read: Baby Island, Clementine, Tangerine, &c. Apparently I need to add Zilpha Snyder’s books to the list….
Randy Smith says
Hey, I’m Doris Smith (A Taste of Blackberries) son, and can’t figure out where Mom’s book sits in this list. It’s confusing. Help! Thank you.
Elizabeth Bird says
Just search for her name on the page. The number behind the book is the number of points the book received, though sadly it wasn’t enough to reach the Top 100. Hope this helps!