Fusenews: Running round the barnyard, falling in and out of love
It’s chicken-with-your-head-cut-off week, folks! But I think I’ve enough spare moments in my day to share with you some very quick tidbits of things I’ve found. In brief (and I do mean brief)!
Next week we’re going to see the kick-off of the fantabulous Winter Blog Blast Tour. For the full schedule, head on over to Chasing Ray. I am incredibly excited. You’re going to see an interview here unlike any interview I’ve conducted before.
Who are the best author tweeters? This list compiles 100 of them. Thanks to @librariancheryl for the link.
I’ve been looking for a new good YA/children’s literature blog of gay lit. Now I think I’ve found one. Silverrod’s Rainbow Book Reviews for Children and Young Adults .
Chris Barton, author of this year’s awesome Day-Glo Brothers, has just lived The American Dream. He visited a Day-Glo factory. That is the definition of The American Dream as I see it, anyway.
Speaking of non-fiction, Marc Tyler Nobleman (Boys of Steel) has a whole range of cool topics on his blog. There’s biography vs. storyography (i.e. focusing on a pivotal incident in a life rather than a whole life) and biography vs. pathography (i.e. focusing on the negative aspects of a life). For those of you reviewing picture book biographies and those of you writing them, I consider this your required reading for the day. Nobleman brings up issues that a lot of folks rarely consider. Great great stuff.
I am a one-woman Yuyi Morales fan club band. And this is her interview at Seven Impossible Things. Brilliant!
Over in Northhampton, the Richard Michelson Gallery has a fantastic show going on and you can see a bit of it online.
"What book, character or artist first got you interested in becoming an illustrator? We’ve asked our illustrators to create a drawing of their favorite book character in their own style or draw one of their characters in their mentor’s style."
Some answers won’t surprise you a jot. Others will knock your socks off. And really, haven’t you ever wanted to see one illustrator tackle another one’s work? DiTerlizzi does Winnie-the-Pooh. Wendell Minor tackles Peter Rabbit. And I love the inclusion of Wonder Woman alone. Great stuff. Thanks to Jarrett Krosoczka for the link.
This is both fascinating and frightening. From Cynopsis Kids:
The 2009 Oscar race gears up with news from The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences that 20 movies have been submitted for consideration in the Animated Feature Film category. Under the rules for this category, a maximum of 5 features can be nominated in a year where there are at least 16 eligible movies. Speaking of eligibility, some of the movies (*) have not yet had their required LA qualifying run. No doubt they will. Nominees for the 82nd Academy Awards will be announced on Tuesday, February 2, 2010. The 20 submitted animated features are:
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel*
Astro Boy
Battle for Terra
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Disney’s A Christmas Carol
The Dolphin Story of a Dreamer*
Fantastic Mr. Fox*
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
Mary and Max
The Missing Lynx
Monsters vs. Aliens
Planet 51*
The Princess and the Frog*
The Secret of Kells*
Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure
A Town Called Panic*
Many of you know that illustrator Sophie Blackall has a lot of fun creating original illustrations out of the Missed Connections sections of newspapers and online publications. She even sells them. So, if you want to know what I want for Christmas this year, I want this print. It mentions NYPL! Here’s what it says in case you can’t read it:
"Monday, November 2nd, 2009
You left your coat here last winter – w4w
… or rather, you let me wear it home.
I found fun dip in one pocket and your NYPL card in the other.
It’s going to keep me deliciously warm this winter as I rack up mountains of overdue fines."
Thanks to Alison Morris for the link!
Filed under: Fusenews

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
SLJ Blog Network
The Most Banned Picture Books of the 2023-24 School Year
Red Flower | This Week’s Comics
Goodbye for now
When Book Bans are a Form of Discrimination, What is the Path to Justice?
Empowering Library Users with Passive Readers’ Advisory, a guest post by Monisha Blair
Dear Santa — But there is TEN copies — Betsy Bird will be papering her walls with that print! Santa can relax — a small bird is telling Dobbie that a copy of that picture is heading for Betsy’s stocking. Do not anybody else be getting her one, please!
Oooo! Thank you “Dobbie”!
Looking forward to your WBBT interview on Monday. “[U]nlike any interview I’ve conducted before” – hmmm. I’m predicting pig Latin.
You’re close. Semaphores.