Video Sunday: I Want to Go to There
Not as big a selection today, kittens. You will have to forgive me. We begin, with pain. To fully appreciate this you’ll first have to be aware of a YouTube video with some 32 million hits (I’m not exaggerating) called David After Dentist. Okay. So here we have Art Director Laurent Linn after a recent Nevada SCBWI. Watch out for that scream.
You’ve video gurus Yuyi Morales (remember her Invited?) and Jim Averbeck (one of the masterminds behind the Newbery/Caldecott Red Carpet interviews) responsible for this. Yuyi told me, "This mentorship program we were working at lasted for about six months, and Laurent and I, along with other authors, were part of the mentoring force were we worked closely with aspiring authors and illustrators (three for each). Nevada SCBWI organizes this program every 18 months." Poor, Laurent! No wonder he’s so bushed. Bushed slash freaked out.
I was on a list committee this year so I saw a ton of books that wouldn’t have necessarily have floated under my nose otherwise. One of those books was a Lee & Low creation called The East-West House: Noguchi’s Childhood in Japan. In this video author/illustrator Christy Hale talks about the true story the book was based on, and her own process.
I’m not normally a fan of the animated New Yorker cartoons, but there’s something about this one that calls to me . . . Thanks to @mitaliperkins for the link.
I should probably save this next video for Halloween but I think I’ve enough links at this time. Remember in The Graveyard Book when the townspeople and the resident dead dance The Macabray? Well, someone figured out what it might look like.
Goth kids really are the cutest kids in the world. Thanks to Educating Alice for the link.
I alluded to this in a post earlier this week, but if you haven’t had a chance to look at small clips of some of the videos at the Childrenslitproject’s Blog, I urge you to do so immediately, do not pass Go, do not collect $200. For one thing, it allows you to hear some of the voices behind the books and reviews (and blogs) you might read on a regular basis.
A very different video I also alluded to this week was this interview with Wes Anderson. Partly it concerns his new Fantastic Mr. Fox movie, but it also discusses a recent L.A. Times piece that said there was strife on set.
And I end today off-topic, but at least still child-centric. Remember the fellow who could play any 80s pop hit as if it were a ragtime classic? Well, he has a follow up video. The economy is tough and when the economy is tough where do the musicians turn for their pay? Video games! Video games old school.
Admit it, children of the 80s. You know those songs and you know them well. Thanks to @neilhimself for the link.
Filed under: Videos

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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