Fusenews: ILL Cat
I think a lot of people missed the first Series of Unfortunate Events film because they thought it was just another Jim Carrey vehicle. Such thinking is a mistake. The film is quite lovely. But wait! Did I just say, "the first" Series of Unfortunate Events film? I did indeed! For as it just so happens /film has just announced that a sequel could happen . . . and it would be stop motion. "Silberling explains further in a recent interview with MTV, stating that he would like to shoot another Lemony Snicket film using stop-motion animation with ‘incredible detail and very twisted artistry’.” Whatever it takes, dude. Sounds good to me. Thanks to Kids Lit for the link.
Better late than never, eh? For the record, I agree with every word coming out of Colleen Mondor’s mouth. And it displeases me greatly when friends get flamed. I wish I hadn’t been working the weekend of BEA and could have attended that blogger panel like some of my fellows. As it stands, I didn’t, and now I get to hear secondhand what "our representatives" have said in our stead. I may be biased, however. I liked my own blogger panel inordinately, and I think it had a smart combination of content and consideration (due entirely to the other panelists). Now, in a related matter, I hear that there have been two waves of bloggers. Wave #1 consists of "professional blogs" which, by logical extension, would mean that Wave #2 consists of unprofessional blogs. Hey, I didn’t make up these terms! Of course, that particular article is talking about adult literary blogs. To my mind the current Kidlitosphere didn’t get officially rolling until 2006. Adult lit, on the other hand, had a grip on things in 2003. And yes, if anyone asks, I’m just making up these numbers off the top of my head. Whaddaya want from me? I’m supposed to be a "professional blogger" now. Thanks to Bookninja for the link.
Hey, man. I’m a librarian. Librarians have beefs with patrons. It happens. Not all patrons. Not even most patrons. But reading the Top 10 Patron Pet Peeves of the Swiss Army Librarian can be downright cathartic at times. Ahhhhh. Thanks to American Libraries Direct for the link.
Feel better? Good. Cause if you’re a teen librarian, check out #10 on this list of 18 challenges facing contemporary literature. Good and riled? Excellent. You’re so cute when you’re mad.
Speaking of cute, you know what else is adorable? Library cats. They’re sweet. They’re cuddly. They’re sometimes born WITHOUT EYEBALLS! *ahem* Sorry. Had to be said. In any case, this site has compiled a list of different library cats from around the country. With and without the aforementioned peepers. Thanks to American Libraries Direct for the link.
Daily Image:
You don’t have to be a craft-oriented person to be a children’s librarian, but it definitely makes a difference in the long run. Crafty people also have a tendency of taking it outside of the children’s room. As when they construct their own Very Hungry Caterpillar clothing with which to swath their legs.
And here’s the cool fabric one can use:

Thanks so much to Marjorie Ingall for the links!
Filed under: Fusenews

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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I loved the first Series of Unfortunate Events and will ceremoniously keep my fingers crossed for stop motion glory.
I had always felt that the movie was seriously under rated and it is still one of my favourites. And I have never been a huge Jim Carrey fan, but thought he was perfect as Count Olaf.
A stop motion movie could be wonderful = great to hear that something could be in the works 🙂