Winston Breen Puzzle Party Tour
Author Eric Berlin had a wild idea. A crazy idea. A kooky zany downright inspired idea.
Here’s the gist of it. He has a middle grade fiction novel coming out called The Potato Chip Puzzles (the sequel to The Puzzling World of Winston Breen). The sequel also involves puzzles. So for his blog tour why not . . .
Oh, I’ll just let him speak for himself:
Librarians! Teachers! Booksellers! Parents!
Winston loves to puzzle his friends and classmates, and now he’s got some puzzles for you! Solve the puzzles and submit your answers, and you can win…
– A signed copy of Winston Breen’s latest puzzling mystery, The Potato Chip Puzzles.
– Or the grand prize: Every single one of G.P. Putnam’s Sons Spring 2009 children’s and YA books, plus advance reading copies of numerous Fall 2009 books!
Every day from April 16th to April 22nd, there will be a new puzzle waiting for you on a different blog:
April 16th: A Patchwork of Books
April 17th: Fuse #8
April 18th: Shelf Elf
April 19th: Books Together
April 20th: Bookshelves of Doom
April 21st: Chicken Spaghetti
April 22nd: Oz and EndsGo to every blog! Solve every puzzle! Submit your answers by the end of each day to Every day, one randomly drawn correct answer will win a signed copy of The Potato Chip Puzzles!
And save your answers — you’re going to need them to solve the final puzzle on April 22nd. One randomly drawn person who submits the right answer to that puzzle will win not only The Potato Chip Puzzles but over two dozen other books, courtesy of G.P. Putnam’s Sons!
Get ready to start solving! The party begins April 16th!
Are there any questions?
How do I submit the answer to a particular puzzle?
Just pop it into the subject header of an e-mail and send it off to I submit more than one e-mail per day?
If you send in an answer that you later realize is wrong, feel free to send in a new e-mail with the correct answer. But please don’t send multiple e-mails as a way to improve your chances. For one thing, it won’t work.What’s the deadline to get you the answer to a puzzle?
Midnight (Eastern time) on the day it appears.What if I miss a day or can’t solve one of the puzzles? Will I still be able to solve the final puzzle and be eligible for the grand prize?
Probably. The final puzzle has been designed so you can miss one or two of the previous answers and still figure things out. But the more answers you have, the easier that final puzzle will be. The obvious solution is to join the party every single day!I’m a kid. Can I play, too, or is this only for teachers, booksellers, etc.?
Everyone can play! But note that a couple of the puzzles will be a notch or two harder than they are in the books. Feel free to team up with other kids or an adult! I’m sure you can do it.
And yes! This blog will be on the stop. So go find the puzzles. Solve them. And stop by tomorrow when I’ll have a puzzle and a review of the book in question. Clever man, that Eric Berlin. A very original way to go.
Filed under: Uncategorized

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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