Video Sunday: Dance Dance!
This pizza-related memoir should be out on bookstore and library shelves at this moment. The true story of Tony Gemignani comes out in Tony and and the Pizza Champions. Haven’t seen it myself but A) I like pizza B) I like non-fiction C) I like illustrator Matthew Trueman (who I’m going to start doing some serious rooting for this year) and D) I like the above kooky little video that Chronicle put together.
I know that this doesn’t always seem to be the case, but I’m actually very picky when it comes to the videos I post on Video Sundays. I see no point in boring you with details or items on this day of rest that you’d rather not see. Which makes this next video a little problematic, since I’m really only posting it because of the crazy news item that got attached to it. Here is the situation. In Omaha some librarians made a YouTube video where they played Rock Band, in an effort to intrigue teens and get them to come to the library’s game nights. Only Omaha’s Action News 3 decided to make a story out of this potential waste of taxpayer money. Now, according to this piece, "Nebraska State Auditor Mike Foley launched an investigation into the matter, the results of which will be looked over by a group appointed by Governor Dave Heineman." Sheez. Here is the offending video in question, which (unfortunately) isn’t all that interesting. That is, unless you really have a yen for "Yakkety Sax".
Of course, here in New York we are encouraged, nay, informed that Game Nights will be part of our schtick. Just the other day our lovely intern from Michigan helped us install our Playstation 3 and Wii, then played a rousing game of Mario Cart with me. Of course, that was the exact moment that author Eric Berlin stepped in to say howdy since he was in town for a crossword convention. I’m sure he is now under the distinct impression that rather than reference desk work, I spend most of my time making a pincess on a dirt bike do tiny flips on difficult courses. Thanks to Dan for the link.
This next is an interesting video. Under normal circumstances I find that books written for parents rather than children tend to fall into the Love You Forever category of picture book dreck. So what am I to make of this new Harper Collins title, with its Gaimanesque ability to rhyme and Vess’s lovely pictures (not all of which appear in this video)?
Thanks to Educating Alice for the link.
John Green is the author I will randomly see when I press elevator buttons at ALA Conferences. I believe that he thinks that I am stalking him at these events. I’m not. Not that this video wouldn’t make me want to start. This is good advice. It’s teen related and not child related, but I think we’ll give it a pass, if only for the small dance included at the end. The man has perfected the fast talk/fast cut video technique and it serves him well.
Thanks to bookshelves of doom for the link (and to Lori and Laura for telling me that I should really sit down and watch this).
And finally, I don’t like putting commercials for anything other than books on this site, but credit where credit is due to this Loewe piece. For your daily bit of randomness, this one is bound to leave you feeling good.
Thanks to Swiss Miss for the link.
Filed under: Videos

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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That crazy little pizza video mesmerized me. It felt completely choreographed with the Neapolitan (or was it Milanese) melody playing in the background. I think kids will be just as entranced.
Being an Italian married to a man who’s putting our kids through college with mozzarella cheese, this little vid put a huge smile on my face.
Love The Blueberry Girl, thanks for that. There needs to be a Blueberry Boy, too.