Video Sunday: A Series of Tubes
Oh, Digital Marketing Team at Macmillan, will you marry me? Behold and digest how a book is made. Required viewing for all persons working, or having formerly worked, in the publishing industry. You will adore the salary that is mentioned at one point. Trust me. Thanks to Bookninja for the link.
Doggone it Patrick Carman. The minute I pull myself out you have to go and suck me back in. I’d just gotten over the interesting mix of computer interaction and text you did for that first Atherton book. Now I see you’ve taken it a step farther. But do we really want future literature to be reliant on bad teen actors? High literature production values will now have to marry high filmmaking production values. A tough thing to find on either end sometimes. Still, if my boss still has his ARC of this one (no guarantees there) I’ll be reading it soon.
Thanks to 100 Scope Notes for the video.
Call it the pre-Weston Woods era. Oh, they made picture books into movies all right. DISNEY movies. Check out this little 1952 gem. And story adaptation by Bill Peet? Better and better.
I look forward to The Little House Part Two: Gated Communities. Quite a villainous view of another Virginia Lee Burton book too, don’t you think? This is like The Little House vs. Mike Mulligan. Say, did I ever tell you about my Sterling Holloway crush? I wish I was joking about this. That man gave voice to more films about inanimate objects. There’s an Animaniacs episode about a little trailer that escapes a big tornado, and for the short they got a Sterling Halloway-soundalike. I always appreciated that. Thanks to Children’s Illustration for the link.
It seems out of place to end the day’s videos with physics. But crayon physics? Well that’s something everyone can enjoy.
Thanks to bookshelves of doom for the link.
Filed under: Videos
About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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janeyolen says
Nearly fell out of bed laughing at the Macmaillan movie. Thanks. Am a recovered Editorial Assistant!
babyhippoface says
There’s an incredible site called Magic Pen that is similar to Crayon Physics. My sister and I spent hours one Saturday while the men were watching football trying to get through the levels. It’s amazing and addictive. It’s at a site called Fizzlebot.