Fusenews: Thwart Warts
Monster haikus like "Tokyo summer. / Mothra flies into a sign / again and again," may be the official domain of author/illustrator Adam Rex but that’s not going to stop him from holding a Kaiju Haiku Contest! Adults, you are allowed to enter but the magnificent grand prize (and it is pretty magnificent) is going to a kid anyway, so you may as well just pass this on to a little one. Potential prizes and rules are listed on Adam’s site and he also includes this helpful note: "Teachers! Want to submit the entries of your entire class at once? Post them all together in one comment, or email them to me and I’ll do it." Whatta feller.
- For her recent Cool Overlooked Book posting, Finding Wonderland takes a long luxurious glance at Jean and Johnny by Beverly Cleary. She’s not a particular fan of the newest cover on the title, but I rather like it. Certainly it circulates better than our old beat up yet authentic hardcover. Besides, name me all the books you can where a girl is pictured with a cute boy and she’s wearing glasses. Maybe one of those Wrinkle in Time editions. Maybe.
- I was flipping through my regular reading of Golden Age of Comic Book Stories and saw that Mr. Door Tree had done a piece on some of the work of illustrator Kay Nielsen. I know very little of Nielsen’s life, work, or gender. What I do know is that any artist that can create this image:
and this image:
in the same book deserves copious claps, not to mentions pats of the head. Check out the full post for more beauts.
- The other day I’m at author Lisa Graff‘s birthday party and her agent Stephen Barbara imparts a bit of knowledge that somehow I’d missed in the clutter and business of my day-to-day living. Children’s editor turned agent Michael Stearns has a blog! A blog called As the World Stearns (groan). How ’bout that. It’s a nice little place to visit too. For example he produced quite a lovely post the other day on one of his favorite children’s books from youth Half Magic. Add it to your industry links ASAP.
- Speaking of magnificent blogs, illustrator Calef Brown’s site Polkabats is really worth reading. I’ve been a fan of Mr. Brown’s work ever since I read his Flamingos on the Roof a couple years ago. Plus I find myself mesmerized by posts with text and pictures along the lines of:
"Government scientists, working diligently
over the past decade, have finally developed
an ice cream cone capable of battling
oversized evil insects. They have not , however,
perfected the piece of cake which can thwart warts."
- Daily Image:
Hypnotic prints for purchase abound at the elsita Etsy shop. Some, as you can see, are mighty children’s literature-centric:
Sort of Hans Christian Andersen, aren’t they? This is the one I’d buy in a heartbeat (what with my last name and all):
Thanks very much to Sherry Parker for the link.
Filed under: Fusenews

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
SLJ Blog Network
Newbery Jump 2025
Morgana & Oz, Vol. 1 | Review
Goodbye for now
When Book Bans are a Form of Discrimination, What is the Path to Justice?
Take Five: February 2025 Middle Grade Graphic Novels
Kay Neilsen has been a big influence for my art and shows up in my books, of course morphed into my own style ;0)
Wow, I love those prints! Makes me wish I had a baby’s room to decorate, or something.