Happy Anniversary, Little Hosting Site
It was just a year ago that my little blog picked up stakes, kissed Blogger goodbye, and shuffled over to SLJ to settle into our new residence at this current location. Aw, the memories. Do you guys recall how we arrived and that was when Little, Brown had approved this Atherton ad from hell that would follow a reader down a page and couldn’t be removed? Or how it took me a while to find a font I was comfortable writing in? Oh, and the problem with my reviews was interesting. I only had 7,000 characters to work with, so all these blog posts of mine took such a long time to write because I had to keep splitting them into pieces in order to get them to fit on a "page". Or how my face was repeated over and over on each post until I felt like yelling "I cants takes it no more!"
See how far we’ve come? Now I can write as much as I like. I’ve a spiffy little blogroll off to the right-side of the screen. There are pop-up ads once in a while, but they’re certainly not as common. And best of all I can set up the blog to post while I’m on vacation, something Blogger never allowed me to do.
So let’s take stock!
A Fuse #8 Goals for the Coming Year:
1. Get some tabs.
Tabs are great. If you wanted to aggregate all my posts on, say, rice pudding then you’d just click on the tab and my secret addiction to high-end rice pudding at Rice to Riches would be revealed.
2. Get search capabilities.
How do I find old posts that I’ve written? I Google myself. Sure there has to be a better way. Particularly when you consider that it is incredibly hard to search this site for a Fusenews article I might have written once.
3. Better design.
This one’s probably a couple years in the making. But I am convinced that given a little time we can make this site more pleasing to the eye.
4. More posts on a given page.
Right now only so many posts fit on a page. As such, that’s why I cram everything into Fusenews postings. If I could show a month’s worth of posts on a page, I would be a happy ducky. Something to consider.
So off we go into another year! Don’t be too surprised if I start dipping my toe into the weirdo world of V-Blogging too. Scary, yet fascinating, stuff. There’s so much more to explore.
Thanks to Jon Buller for my header here.
Filed under: Uncategorized

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
SLJ Blog Network
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Red Flower | This Week’s Comics
Goodbye for now
When Book Bans are a Form of Discrimination, What is the Path to Justice?
Empowering Library Users with Passive Readers’ Advisory, a guest post by Monisha Blair
Happy Anniversary! Video blogging would be a great addition. I saw your video booktalk you did for “Book of Secrets” and I’m surprised it never showed up here. Makes me think there are plenty more of those floating around out there. Are you going to keep up the audio podcasts? Seems like it’s been a while.
Ah, audio podcasts. They’re hard to do, take a lot of time, and require all my attention. I’ve been lazy about them. Hopefully I’ll find a way to do more podcasting without killing myself. What I need is a schedule. Hmmmm. Thanks for the congrats!
Hi Betsy, all suggestions duly noted. Thanks for hanging in there!
Happy Anniversary, Betsy!! I think that you’ve come a long way in the past year. I, for one, am much happier having each review all in one post, instead of having to click through extra links. Tabs would be cool, though…
I am eating a yo-yo cookie (cookie decorated to be a yo-yo) right now in honor of your anniversary. Congrats!!!
Thanks, guys! And Brian, credit where credit is due SLJ has been a superb host. I truly lucked out when you guys set you cap at me.
I can’t believe it’s already been a year. Congratulations on another success! I’m looking forward to seeing you in Anaheim.
Happy Annniversary, Fuse! I think you’ve done a great job here 🙂
It’s been fun reading. Congrats on a year with SLJ!
Happy anniversary! You’ve been an inspiration to me, you micro-famous You.
Happy Anniversary! (and those of us still on blogger — now we can schedule posts for vacation!)
Happy anniversary, Betsy! Many more to come.
a year! already? man, life is so unfair. we lose time and gain weight and it should, be the other way around. kudos all around.
Congratulations on the year. And, yes, better design is the thing to hope for. An aggregation of little things make this format much less pleasing than the Blogger format. For starters, having to click “Read More” and reload the page every time I actually want to read a post is just plain annoying. Anyway, if the design is lousy, the blogging is great. Congratulations.
Congrats Betsy! We can talk about your wish list during lunch next week.
In that case, can I have a pony too?
“We can talk about your wish list during lunch next week.”
Nobody ever says that to me.