Fusenews: Ja-positively!
Wanna see these folks for free?:
* GARY PANTER * MO WILLEMS * ART SPIEGELMAN *I think the words you may be searching for are "Cor blimey". Well, there is a FREE (such a lovely word) all-day symposium on the growing cultural significance of comics going on at the Cantor Film Center at NYU on Friday, June 6th. Called Post Bang: Comics Ten Minutes After the Big Bang, "This all-day program—free and open to the public—will spotlight major creators of and commentators on comics, highlighting key trends and debates facing comics in this new, “post-bang” environment. The program will be organized around a series of panel discussions on different aspects of contemporary comics, followed by two sets of conversations with some of the most innovative creators in the comics field." That’s all well and good, but the number one portion that I want to see is this:
COMICS AND KID’S LIT will bring together Lisa von Drasek (Bank Street College), Leonard Marcus (Minders of Make Believe), Francoise Mouly (The New Yorker), Mo Willems (Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!), and Sara Varon (Sweaterweather).That’s five of my favorite people right there and it’s free free free! Thanks to Bill Kartalopoulos for the link.
Monica recently said that she wanted this ARC:
Now I do too. Are these the kinds of covers you can get when you become a National Ambassador? Shoot, now everyone’s gonna want the job.
From Cynopsis Kids, your regular entertainment fare:
Taffy Entertainment inks its first broadcast presales deal for the new kid-aimed animated series Geronimo Stilton (26×22) with Radio-Canada . Currently in production, Geronimo Stilton is schedule to bow during the 2009-2010 TV season. Based on the kid’s chapter-book series of the same name, the Geronimo Stilton TV series is produced by Atlantyca Entertainment and Moonscoop Productions, in association with Mike Young Productions. The Geronimo Stilton books are available in 30+ languages, including in Italian, where they are published by Edizioni Piemme, a unit of the Mondadori Group, and in English, published in the US by Scholastic, in French, by Albin Michel Jeunesse and in Spanish by Editorial Planeta.
I already had my birthday this year, but if you want to give me a pretty present I wouldn’t mind too much if you happened to buy me the Harry Potter prequel that J.K. Rowling wrote for a charity auction. I don’t even mind if you read it before me. Really!
Oh. My. God. Fine Lines has done a book that I was pretty sure I was the only person in the entire world to have read. The Girl With the Silver Eyes is finally getting its due. I am actually doing a dance of joy right now. Then I stop, start to shelve books . . . and then start dancing the dance of joy once again. What’s more, they’ve even located the correct cover (i.e. the one sitting on my bookshelf at home right now). Amazing. Thanks to YPulse (a blog I’m really enjoying these days) for the link.
Babymouse daddy Matthew Holm recently found a robot penned blog that he said, "has the feel of a Fuse #8 post that was translated to another language, translated back to English, and then junked up with 50-cent words." Of course I could only dream of coming up with sentences as truly cool as, "ours truly bet on that, if ever by use of a duple time, my enunciated obligation this night was librarianship and comics, and I’ve to some extent gotten forthwith out of that latter division. Again! Nowadays! A acquaint anywise comics! Ja-positively!"
Shaun Tan Alert: The man has an interview in The Australian. Kudos to whoever posed him with that pretty bird. Thanks to Big A little a for the link.
Daily Image:
I may as well just rent this slot out to Crooked House, the way she finds these things. According to her, this comes from a woman named Lori Nix. Here is Library:

Filed under: Fusenews

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
SLJ Blog Network
Weirdo | Review
Goodbye for now
When Book Bans are a Form of Discrimination, What is the Path to Justice?
North Star Editions Showcase
As a native New Yorker now happily settled in Colorado, I’ll admit I don’t often miss the Big City (especially when the humidity is 90 percent there and 30 percent here).
But, I have to say that Comics and Kid Lit event is insanely cool and truly could only happen in NYC. I’m jealous.
All the best,
Jon Bard
Managing Editor, Children’s Book Insider, the Newsletter for Children’s Writers
i thought i was the only one who read THE GIRL WITH THE SILVER EYES! i read and reread that book so many times- seeing that cover really brought back memories- thanks for that!
Yikes! I clicked one of the links above for The Girl with the Silver Eyes and Jezebel’s error took over my computer. I suddenly had 51 windows popping up everywhere. Since I’m on a school computer right now, I couldn’t even click to stop it. It was hard boot or nothing. Beware the cyber-gremlins.
Woah! That ain’t good. Allow me to rejigger the whole contrabble. So to speak.
Huh. This appears to be one of those rare moments when I am not directly to blame for the weirdness of a site. Something’s wrong with Jezebel’s Fine Lines column. You can’t access any of their articles right now. I’ll keep the link there just in case they figure out the error soonish. In the meantime, take heed.
I did seriously think I was the only person to read that book as well.
Marci? Is that you? You read this book? How has this never come up before?