Fusenews: Tempting Fate and Why Gene Wilder is Hot
Author Pat Mora (who was clever and alerted several bloggers to the news) has started blogging on a site called Bookjoy. She had a post up recently about Family Book Clubs that particularly caught my eye when she mentioned meeting the Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County’s Director of Youth and Outreach Service, Tony Tallent. Mr. Tallent (who has the BEST name for a library director ev-ah) was recently at my own branch when we hosted the remarkable little band Lunch Money. I’m not entirely certain why he was here in conjunction with the band (road manager?) but it was nice to meet him just the same.
There is such a thing in this world as attracting the evil eye. Normally I don’t truck with such folderol, but reading The Spoof’s recent faux-news piece Heiress Paris Hilton to start children’s book line causes me to start knocking on wood like there’s no tomorrow. For heavens sake, guys! Don’t give her any ideas! Thanks to Big A little a for the link.
I got four words for you. 3D Paper Deer Puzzle .
Thanks for the link, Crooked House !
Ms. Jules of Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast has combined her efforts with Adrienne of What Adrienne Thinks About That to bring us the mother of all Slightly Demented Picture Book postings. They even confront the goofy protagonist-gets-eaten trend that many of us have noticed over the years ( Tadpole’s Promise , Ugly Fish , I’m the Biggest Thing in the Ocean , Wolves , and the mother of them all, Pierre .) Then Monica Edinger over at her blog picked up the thread and ran with it herself bringing up some more Deliciously Demented Books (pointing out, logically, that The Cat and the Hat has its own mighty screwy logic as well).
Alison Morris gives us the skinny on author Linda Urban’s fabulous and oddly-wintery home.
I used to work at the Jefferson Market branch of New York Public Library. It is a castle. There is no other word to describe it. Castle. And like many castles it hadn’t been cleared out for years and years. One day I found in the back room a book that can only be described as one of my more disgusting finds. It was one of the original Margaret Wise Brown Little Fur Family stories. I see some of you out there nodding your heads, knowing exactly what I mean. Some genius in the marketing department (perhaps Ms. Brown herself) decided to cover the little tiny books in fur. That’s a cute enough idea in 1946. But fast forward 60 years and you can see how truly disgusting moldy rabbit fur can be. Collecting Children’s Books tackles the subject of furry titles, particularly those with tails. Definitely worth reading.
I have a crush on Gene Wilder. Oh do not LOOK at me like that. Yes, I know it’s weird. It’s super weird. But what can I say? I like his voice. I should specify that I like 1960s/1970s Gene Wilder and not so much really-bad-80s-hair Gene Wilder. And, by extension, I love Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Not that ghastly Tim Burton monstrosity (Michael Jackson + Willy Wonka = Not so hot), but the orginal, really odd concoction made to promote a candy that never came to exist (this is true… watch the documentary sometime). Why do I bring this up? Because Below the Bookshelf has created the ultimate reality show. If you can resist the tagline "Five children with the opportunity of a lifetime. But only one can live," then you are made of stone. Say, did anyone else see that awesome interview between Alec Baldwin and Gene Wilder on TCM the other night? Suh-weet!
I am currently campaigning for somebody ANYBODY to make a Mexican wrestler book for kids (Yuyi Morales, I’m looking at you). In the interim I was pleased to see Matthew Holm, illustrator of the Babymouse books, put his own spin on the genre. Voila! Lucha Libre . Thanks to BookMoot for taking the pics at TLA.
When I say the name "Syd Hoff" you may think of things like Danny and the Dinosaur or Arturo’s Baton . You’d be less inclined to think of this:
But that’s exactly what Hoff’s neice found at a place called Mimi’s Cafe. The entire story can be found on the Syd Hoff website under "The Mystery of the Mural". Read through the news articles to discover how the mystery thickens and then gets resolved. Thanks to Children’s Illustration for the link.
Filed under: Fusenews

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
SLJ Blog Network
The Most Banned Picture Books of the 2023-24 School Year
Red Flower | This Week’s Comics
Goodbye for now
When Book Bans are a Form of Discrimination, What is the Path to Justice?
Empowering Library Users with Passive Readers’ Advisory, a guest post by Monisha Blair
Ms. Fuse # 8, your wishes are my commands…
Wow! Really? How incredibly cool. Thanks! Gosh, I wonder what else I should wish for. Uh . . . Adam Rex I want you to do a biography of uber-librarian Anne Carroll Moore. Mo Willems, you should make a picture book about death (cause honestly, we need a good one for once). And Tasha Tudor, I think you’re dead but let’s have one more picture book for old times’ sake.
This may have been the first time in pop culture history that Gene Wilder has been deemed more crushworthy than Johnny Depp… though it’s hard to argue when you compare the two Wonkas
(i still can’t bring myself to watch the tim burton version… the previews were enough to give me nightmares…)
Thanks for the link! I’ve been enjoying the way people keep adding more Slightly Demented titles for us to look at.
Wait a minute!!! Our Tony Tallent was up there?? Did you two get to talk? I know that he and the members of Lunch Money are freinds. They play here for some of our big events–in fact, they were here last Friday for a big party. I could email you pix if you’d like.
Yeah, we spoke a little. Nice guy. No need for pix, since Warren (my co-worker) took pictures of his own while there. Great band too. I loved the song where they mentioned that they only like chocolate chip cookies “because oatmeal and raisins are breakfast food”. Damn right.
Tasha Tudor is still–I believe–alive.
Oh! Well that makes my request all the easier then. Excellent!