Fusenews: Who Likes to Rock the Party? I Like to Rock the Party.
Aaaaaah! Backpack!
Sorry. I saw this recently and thought it was pretty neat. Man, the kid who was toting that thing on their back would have to be pretty awesome, wouldn’t they? And I can totally see jaded teenagers using this thing too. They would pretend to be ironic while secretly loving it. Awesome.
I should begin with a pretty cool post I found on Bookmoot on Saturday. In Bookmoot’s Advice on School Visits, Camille offers newbie children and YA authors some tips on how to present yourself to a group of kids. There are some really good points in it including "If they forget to tell you, ask where the bathrooms are located," and "As you take the questions, it is ok, in fact I will bless you, if YOU tell the kids to put their hands down while you answer." She even says what other authors have done in front of groups themselves. She’s right about Eoin Colfer too. That man can speak at the lowest decibal level humanly possible, rivet a room full of over-sugared prepubescents, and gross you out like you’ve never been grossed out before.
Parenting blogs frighten the beejezus out of me. I take one tiny glimpse of them and usually I end up staring at a post like this. Credit Mr. Mo then for finding a pretty cute Knuffle Bunny inspired story on the blog Cry It Out.
First time debut novelists, the Class of 2K8, are having a contest wherein one may win free brand-spanking new books. This quarter you can win:
Liz Gallagher – The Opposite of Invisible – coming this January [website]
Lisa Schroeder – I Heart You, You Haunt Me – coming this January [website]
Jody Feldman – The Gollywhopper Games – coming this March [website]
Stacy A. Nyikos – Dragon Wishes – coming this March [website]
Elizabeth C. Bunce – A Curse Dark as Gold – coming this March [website]
Marissa Doyle – Bewitching Season – coming this March [website]
Book designer Craig Beckerman explains to us exactly what it is that he do do. "Ever wonder how does the designer tell the printer what effect he or she wants on a jacket?" Not as such, but the answer is pretty awesome to look at. Check out how he went about marking up the newest Diary of a Wimpy Kid cover for that cool look all the kids love.
Book agent news! Wheeee! It just so happens that Alice’s CWIM blog has a round-up of children’s book agent news as found on the GLA (Guide to Literary Agents) Blog. The GLA Blog is a new one on me and it’s pretty cool reading. I like that Alice took the time to pick out the children’s literary news for us, though. This is necessary reading for anyone in the market for a shiny new agent with all the trimmings.
Editor Cheryl Klein has figured out that the upcoming SCBWI Conference is being held in the same place that the final confrontation in the film Michael Clayton was filmed. That’s cool in and of itself, but check out her more recent post on the awesome editorially minded Christmas present she recently received. Her friend KTBB should market those puppies en masse to authors everywhere. It couldn’t hurt!
And finally, a warning to parents. Just so you know, they’re cranking out the following utensils somewhere. At any moment, one could fall into the hands of your son or daughter. Gizmodo alerted us to the danger. You have been warned.

Filed under: Fusenews

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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Man, you could have given me at least a little warning before going to that parenting blog!!!! Holy crap! No one – and I mean NO ONE – should be created by that while sitting at their computer with a cup of coffee on a Monday morning. *shiver*
Yeah. I was actually looking for a different disgusting picture on a parenting blog but when I saw that puppy it was clearly meant to be. Sorry for the shock. You wouldn’t have wanted the picture I was trying to find either, though.
Enjoyed reading about how Craig Beckerman works! Thanks!
I got the scary-ass photo while eating salad. Whooo boy!