Snowflakes for Robert’s Snow: Day Two
Good morning, everyone. I am Elizabeth Bird . . .
. . . and I am the mysterious little Fuseman sent to Betsy on her last birthday.
We’re here to do some commentary on the third and final Robert’s Snow snowflake auction so you’ll have to forgive the small font. It was the only way I could squeeze everything into a single post.
That’s right, Bets. Now as of (checks watch) 9:00 p.m. last night the bidding was already proceeding at a furious pace. This is the most expensive set of snowflakes yet and I gotta say, we’re already hit a couple surprises.
We sure have, mysterious little fuseman creature. First of all, look at that strong showing by Salley Mavor’s Circle Dance. $625 and we’re not even halfway through the week.
Well Mavor’s got her fan base, you know. Elisa Kleven’s not doing too badly herself, you know. Her The Paper Princess and Her Friends is holding steady at a mighty $850. I’m sure you weren’t pleased to see Linda S. Wingerter’s Grace at $300, seeing as how you wanted to get it yourself.
I wanted it, sure, but the money’s going to charity, FuseMan. Don’t see how I can begrudge an item here doing well. Just look at that magnificent Lady Bountiful by Vladimir Shpitalnik. Man, that’s an awesome snowflake! And with $475, it’s clear that others feel the same.
Any special favorites?
Well, I gotta give a shout out to the lady I featured, Meghan McCarthy. Her snowflake is the only one that comes with its very own leopard print box, and at $175 she’s a steal.
Speaking of $175, can you believe that a creation by the late great Mo Willems is still as low as $175? I mean, you just can’t buy this guy’s original art these days!
Late? What on earth are you talking about?
Well.. uh… he’s fine. But you don’t think "late great" is more fun to say?
You can’t just go about spreading rumors about someone just because it rhymes.
Look, can we talk about this later? We gotta finish up this thing.
Riiiiiiight. Well, there appear to be a great many impressive snowflakes out there that still haven’t been bid upon, so get your money down. Real art ain’t easy to find these days.
Betsy, I just got a last minute bulletin. Grace Lin, creator of the Robert’s Snowflake series in the first place, has garnered at least $1,000 for her own snowflake Flower. That’s how it’s done. That is how it is done.
Agreed. We’ll be back tomorrow with further coverage. Until then, keep bidding.
Filed under: Uncategorized

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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I saw Mo Willems at a festival in Connecticut just recently and he seemed fine. This is really very distressing.
I loved this. Great expressions. Keep up the good reporting!
Ha! You and Fuseman are just too cute.
Love this idea! Fab way to get the bids flying. Well done.