Kidlit Drink Night: Post-Society of Illustrators Partying – Now With Raffle!

Okay. So you heard that I was helping to host a Kidlit Drink Night after the Society of Illustrators party at Baker Street (1152 1st Avenue, corner of 63rd Street) at 8:00 and maybe you thought to yourself, "What’s in it for me?" Well, my friend, howzabout original art?
Whazzy wha???
That’s right! You know that nice Jarrett Krosoczka boy from just down the street? Turns out he’s a bit of an ideas man. Quoth he: "
What if – at KidLit Drink Night we raffled off something for Robert’s Snow? I’d be happy to spearhead it. Hold the tickets, sell them at $1 a pop, 15 for $10?"What if indeed? It is a good idea. It is SUCH a good idea, in fact, that it should not be relegated to just one fella. So…
1. You are here in New York and will be attending the Society of Illustrators show tonight.
2. You read my blog.
3. You have time to whip up a little somethin’ somethin’. Nothing fancy, mind. Just a sketch. A pencil on the side of a piece of notebook paper. A doodle on a bottlecap. A little dribble of artistry that has your name attached.
IF all three of these apply, why not contribute a piece of the gift that God whapped you with to a noble cause? Come to my Kidlit Drink Night with artistic doodad in tow, and we will auction it off accordingly. If you don’t feel like participating, that’s perfectly fine as well. But if you would like to help out, just pass on your art to Jarrett at some point during the evening, or just bring it to me at the Drink Night location and all shall be well.
And as for you people who like to come to Kidlit Drink Nights ANYWAY (librarians, teachers, and bloggers in particular) here is your chance for a delicious little piece of original art for the price of a single raffle ticket. Look me dead in the eye and tell me that doesn’t sound like something you’d like to do. Right here. In the eye.

Exactly. I’ll see you tonight.
Filed under: Uncategorized

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
SLJ Blog Network
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Wow, I just re-found this blog, and I am so glad. After a long night meeting an art deadline, and maybe not making it to the show tonight (waa), this entry has me heartily chuckling. That eyeball, absolutely hilarious.
Yay for rocking the blogworld 🙂 Thanks for another good post. And awesome Robert’s Snow idea all!
You know, like I needed ANOTHER reason to be massively jealous of all you NYC people; other people dream of buying miniMcMansions. I dream of getting a job in NYC and finding a 275 square foot studio.
Man, how did I miss this? I am such a loser. I need to get out more.
Wow, I can’t belive I missed this. I saw Mo’s post about the show and had a prior arrangement whch I couldn’t get out of. Argh!!! Jarretts on eof my fave current illustrator/authors — he’s such a whiz. How many of his books do I have … duh, all of them! And they’re signed – yay!
Hey, if you’re planning anything like this in the future I’d love to help. I’m a good raffle-ticket seller