Hey, New Yorkers! Come and Hang Out With Shaun Tan!
HA! Sounds interesting, no?
Well before we get to Shaun Tan, let me tell you a little about this here snappy Children’s and Young Adult Literary Cafe we’re starting up at New York Public. Due to the fact that I live in a town where the literary greats have gathered for decades upon decades, it seems only logical that we should create a literary soiree in conjunction with one of the greatest library systems out there. I mean, with most of the American publishers located here in town, who better to do this sort of thing? My Kidlit Drink Nights are nice and all, but sometimes you want to do something sans loud bars on weeknights. So behold the glory of the following announcement:
You are invited to the New York Public Library’s first ever Children’s and Young Adult Literature Cafe!When : Saturday, October 27 @ 2pm
Where : Donnell Library Center’s Central Children’s Room
2nd floor of the Donnell Library Center
20 West 53rd Street
New York, NY 10019
Description : A monthly opportunity to join others interested in children’s and young adult literature for a stimulating discussion of books, reading trends and services to youth.This group is open to authors, librarians, parents, publishers, students, teachers and anyone else who loves children’s and young adult literature.
This is not a formal book discussion group, but rather a chance to:
-connect with others
-find out what’s going on in the world of publishing,
-come away with exciting new ideas and reading recommendationsWe’ll also have lovely refreshments and piles of Advanced Reader Copies of books to give away.
N.B.: The second meeting of the Children’s and Young Adult Literature Cafe will take place on Saturday, November 10 at 2pm. Shaun Tan, author of the critically acclaimed graphic novel The Arrival , will be our special guest!
For more information, please contact:
Sarah Couri (Senior Young Adult Librarian in Teen Central): scouri@nypl.org; 212-621-0633Rebecca Schosha (Senior Children’s Librarian in the Central Children’s Room): rschosha@nypl.org; 212-621-0636

(perhaps with less cellos)
I’m not even working that day and I will be voluntarily coming in to chew the fat about all things literary. So put that in your pipe and smoke it (to completely mix metaphors). Plus, did you see the whole FREE BOOKS aspect of the meeting? I’ve got ARCs just mouldering in my desk drawer so tell me you wouldn’t want a piece of that action. (Note: Smart publishers would be awful clever if, when this got off the ground, they took advantage of the gathering to promote their goodies).
Sharp-eyed readers will have seen that Shaun Tan will be attending on November 10th. Friggin’ Shaun I-wrote-the-most-amazing-book-of-2007 Tan. So come to the first meeting, hang out and eat our food, and then come a second time to meet Shaun Tan.
Filed under: Uncategorized

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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Take Five: February 2025 Middle Grade Graphic Novels
Gosh, the only thing that would make this cooler is if it were happening in, oh, say, Sterling Heights, MI instead of NYC….
It isn’t often that I hear a sentence that has never been pronounced by human lips before but that one comes close. Nothing against Sterling Heights, of course.
Ooooh, fun! This sounds so much more…grown-up…than Drink Night. Which is a good and a bad thing. (But please we need *more* cellos, not less)
Good point. I should have written “Number of cellos may vary”. So *licks quill* can I put you down for that Saturday, Laura. Hmmmmmm?
Oh boo hoo hoo blubber blubber!!!! You New Yorkers have all the fun! As to what Sarah said above, I rather think this event would be way better in, say, Portland, Oregon. Pout pout. Please tell Shaun Tan how much we LOVE LOVE LOVE The Arrival!
These will be great events. I want to come. I want to move to New York City.
If I ever figure out how to do a few months’ of job swap with some NYC librarian who wants to come to Wyoming for awhile, I will be there. Sounds excellent!