Suzukis, Horrifying Clowns, and Meat Glue
Adam Rex will be having a contest this week on Ironic Scans. It’s all so very very simple. You’ve all read Mr. Rex’s series on Characters In Search of Stories, yes? Well, all you have to do is make up one of your own, post it in the comment section of Ironic Scans, and Adam will draw it and give it to you. For further details, just look at the Ironic Scans post. I dunno about you guys, but I’m going to go and make up one of my own. It’ll be tough, though. There are already some pretty good suggestions out there. I’m personally fond of "Hee B. Geebee and his Spooky Suzuki." That I’d like to see.
Speaking of Mr. Rex, I see that I’ve been lax in following his blog lately (it happens). So somehow or other I completely missed the official appearance of some Abraham Superlincoln fanart. Don’t you just love the ASL on his chest.
Fanart. That reminds me. I get such a kick out of Mo Willems’ fan mail and I’m happy to report that a new batch is up at his site. Don’t Let the Pigeon Fall In Love is now my favorite book suggestion he has received. I wonder if other illustrators could do this once in a while on their own sites.
A good authorial website is difficult for a children’s author. On the one hand, it’s cool to have something fun and funny enough for the kids. On the other hand, you want a layout that adults can navigate. Author/illustrator Katie Davis balances both needs with more than a little aplomb on her lovely little website with its great intro and nice set-up. I’m fond of her blog Brain Burps too.
J.L. Bell discusses horror within the Wizard of Oz universe. I don’t know about you but the term "Meat Glue" as found in the picture Bell includes, is probably the most horrific phrase I’ve come across in a long time. It would also make a good band name. "Helloooo, Kalamazoo! We are Meat Glue!!!"
I was unnaturally pleased with Monica Edinger’s illustration she did as a kid for A Wrinkle in Time.
Now I may not have enjoyed the covers Wiesner did for The Dark is Rising series (could the Greenwitch have looked any more little-old-lady-adorable?) but his take on the Narnia books does, to my mind, look better than those by Chris Van Allsburg a couple years ago. Bookslut has now included the books in the regular Judging a Book by Its Cover series and Heather Smith has an interesting point of view. We don’t see eye-to-eye, of course. Where she thinks Van Allsburg is the best of a bad lot, I object to his shot-through-a-sun-filter take on everything from ships to horsies. And her objection to Wiesner’s adorable unicorn on the cover of The Last Battle (which I agree was the freakiest of the bunch) conveniently forgets that Van Allsburg did the same damn thing for his version as well, only he set his at magic hour. Neither is exactly ideal, but I’d take the very first cover appearance of Eustace as a doleful dragon over Van Allsburg’s sleepytime delight anyday. And for the record, I think her idea of Hilary Knight illustrating Watership Down would be freakin’ awesome. Don’t underestimate the man’s prowess. Thanks to Original Content for both this link and one to Bookseller Chick about whether or not authorial blogs build readership.
Here’s a Coraline poster they made for Comic Con. I had a dream last night that Neil Gaiman attended my Preschool Storytime. I saw him wandering about the room and in a blind panic I attempted to find our reference copy of Coraline for him to sign. Tell me, doctor, what does it mean?
Oh, and in case you forgot, today is Scary Clown Day. Okay, not really. Scary Clown Day is officially on May 31st, but I’m getting a leg up this year. Here’s my contribution thanks to Eric Berlin. Happy Scary Clown Day, everyone.
And finally, DO NOT forget that we’ve a Kidlit Drink Night this Wednesday (tomorrow) at Sweet & Vicious at 6:30. Seriously. I want to see y’all there.
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About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
SLJ Blog Network
Name That LEGO Book Cover! (#60)
The Revenge of My Youth: Re Life with an Angelic Girl, vol. 1 | Review
Goodbye for now
When Book Bans are a Form of Discrimination, What is the Path to Justice?
Take Five: February 2025 Middle Grade Novels
I knew someone would want to see that article on the Narnia covers.
A few weeks, ago, I had a dream Neil Gaiman attended one of my gigs. My husband was a bit grumbly about it. Is it possible that there’s some sort of Sandman-esque plot going on? Zut alors.
HA! Oh, I should have thought about Sandman when I wrote that. Nice catch.