Bits o’ Bites o’ News
Mmm. This is the weather I live for. Yesterday I came to the realization that heaven is 74 degrees at all times with a slight breeze coming off the river. Heaven also appears to be New York in the summer. Go fig.
Here’s your daily round-up.
- From Cynopsis Kids (though plenty of other sources picked up these stories as well):
"Warner Bros. has picked up the movie rights to Septimus Heap , a popular seven-book fantasy series by author Angie Sage , from publisher HarperCollins . The movie adaptation of Septimus Heap: Magyk , the first book title in the series, will be produced by Karen Rosenfelt (Devil Wears Prada) with author Sage serving as executive producer. The Septimus Heap series is published by
Katherine Tegen Books , an imprint of HarperCollins Children’s Books. Septimus Heap: Magyk was published in March 2005, followed by the second and third books, Septimus Heap: Flyte and Septimus Heap: Physik , which were published in March 2006 and March 2007 respectively.
Walden Media and Penguin Young Readers Group have teamed up to acquire the North American rights to Savvy , a novel by Ingrid Law, in an agreement with Daniel Lazar, Agent, Writers House . Walden has also picked up the movie rights to book. Scheduled to be published by Dial Books for Young Readers/Walden Media in May 2008, Savvy revolves around a girl who is about to turn 13 and find that she has unique powers."
The first piece is good news for Angie Sage, no question. In terms of the second bit of news, what is the logic, I wonder, behind movie studios picking up movie rights to novels that haven’t even come out yet? There’s no fan base built into the book, which means that from a marketing standpoint you’re going to have to work from scratch. Moreover, if a book and a movie come out in tandem with one another, will book reviewers take the novel seriously at all? I did some additional digging and found that according to Variety this is Law’s "debut novel" and that she’s done two picture books in the past. Apparently these are "Faerie Wedding Tale" and "A Quilt for Uncle Paul." Which is all well and good, but neither of these books are available through the American and a Google search reveal nothing but more info on this movie deal. So I ask of you, how on earth did this happen and how? Details please.
- More my speed are the two new ALA Awards that will soon be coming to town. Found via the Publisher’s Weekly Children’s Bookshelf:
"The William C. Morris YA Debut Award will be given annually to a previously unpublished author “who has made a strong literary debut in writing for young adult readers,” beginning in January 2009. YALSA is currently forming the award committee, which will begin its deliberation work in January 2008.
Another new ALA award, The Odyssey Award for Audiobook Excellence, a joint project between the ALSC and YALSA divisions, is off and running. The committee selected to judge this award held its first meetings during the recent ALA conference in Washington, D.C., under the direction of committee chair Mary Burkey. The Odyssey recognizes the best in audiobooks created for listeners ages birth to 18. Next January, one Odyssey winner and possible honors will be named along with the Newbery, Caldecott, Sibert and Printz Awards."
About bloody time on Award #2 there. I just feel bad for all the audiobooks that have missed out until now. And wouldn’t that be a magnificent committee to be on? You just plug all the CDs into your iPod and do your committee work on the subway. Of course, if you were to do any of it at home you’d have to either work out a lot or learn to knit. Hm. The world’s most athletic book award. I love it.
- The Harry Potter articles are flying fast and furious now. Newspapers and other media outlets are scrambling to find something anything that hasn’t been widely reported on yet. Today the winner of best Harry-related-reporting goes to the cool NPR piece on China’s Harry Potter pirates. Link found via Kids Lit.
Now how is it that until now I’ve not heard ANYONE talking about Tony DiTerlizzi’s Imaginopolis Blog??? I see that he only just started it in June, which was a particularly busy month for me. Still, thank god for Librarianne. Without her link I’d have lived in a DiTerlizziless existence (though, truth be told, he is HMOCL #10). And I’m thinking that with the upcoming release of his Spiderwick movie, this blog is going to be mighty interesting to watch.
- Finally, since I like to end on a wacky note, voila! The hidden door bookshelf found via Bookninja. Every bookshelf should have a custom made hidden door. Once I figure out how to adapt my IKEA Billy shelves I’m sure we’ll be in business.
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About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
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Hi there,
Here’s an interesting article.
I must agree that the Odyssey committee is a magnificent group! We are all finding plenty of time to work out & are thankful for long commutes – so far, we have received over 950 hours of audiobooks. Whew! But don’t feel bad about the great audiobooks of the past – they are sure to be on the ALSC Notable Children’s Recordings or YALSA’s Selected Audiobooks lists, available from the ALA website. Thanks for the notice and be sure to look for the Odyssey announcement in January!