Summer Blog Blast Tour
Does that term mean anything to you at all?
Well it should.
The great and wonderful Colleen Mondor (who doesn’t get nearly enough air-time on this blog simply because she works primarily in the world of YA) has organized a Blog Blast Tour of heretofore unbelievable depth and intelligence.
Starting next Sunday, with an interview posted at Finding Wonderland with 2006 NBA finalist and Printz Award winner Gene Yang, there will be multiple blogs in the kidlitosphere conducting multiple interviews for the following week. We will average ten interviews a day with authors like Justine Larbalestier, Brent Hartinger, David Brin, Hilary McKay, Christopher Golden, Kazu Kibuishi, Chris Crutcher, Holly Black, Kirsten Miller and Shaun Tan. Between Yang’s interview on Sunday and the last one with Justina Chen Headley on Saturday there will be over 50 author interviews posted. These authors include multiple genres (SF, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance, Drama), multiple formats (prose, graphic novel, manga) and for mutliple audiences (boys and girls, straight and gay). Many of the authors agreed to more than one interview although fans should not be worried – the bloggers were careful to make sure that different questions were asked each time. In the end we hope to provide a wealth of information about how these authors create, the kind of books they write and what they have to offer to new readers and long time fans.
We plan, quite simply, to rock the literary world.
And by "we", Ms. Mondor is including myself as well. I will, during this time, be pleased to present interviews conducted with such luminaries as Julie Ann Peters, Kirsten Miller, and (the flower in my cap) Shaun Tan. More information will be forthcoming as it happens. I will, of course, be also directing you to fellow interview around and about the blogosphere. This is, as they say, a Very Big Deal.
Full credit must, of course, go to Ms. Mondor however. In a sense, the tour is being done in response to those critics that dismiss the blogosphere as anything but a bunch of maggots with 18 cats (yes, I’m mixing my metaphors) without an original thought in their craniums. You may read Colleen’s further thoughts on the matter here for a full accounting of what the SBBT will entail.
It will begin next week. Be ready.
Filed under: Uncategorized

About Betsy Bird
Betsy Bird is currently the Collection Development Manager of the Evanston Public Library system and a former Materials Specialist for New York Public Library. She has served on Newbery, written for Horn Book, and has done other lovely little things that she'd love to tell you about but that she's sure you'd find more interesting to hear of in person. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect those of EPL, SLJ, or any of the other acronyms you might be able to name. Follow her on Twitter: @fuseeight.
SLJ Blog Network
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I just want to say that although I’m enjoying reading your blog over here at SLJ, I hate, hate, hate the ad that appears at the bottom of the screen (currently for the Atherton series) that jumps down and distracts me every time I scroll down. I’m sure there’s nothing that you can do about it, but I felt I had to say something. Sorry…
Other than that, love your new digs!
You and me both, sister. If it’s any comfort, I’ve been told it’ll go away at some point. We shall see.
Can we move back to our raggedy old neighborhood and leave the good life behind? Even with all its respectability and glamour, I miss our old fuss-free place. Kinda like how on Roseanne, when they won the lottery, their lives didn’t get better… : )
Fuse, you know I’ll follow you anywhere– I’ll be back when “just one more chapter” goes away!
Jenny Han you just friggin’ compared me to the last season of Roseanne. That’s low, man. Real real low. And no, we’re not going back. We are in the first week of our new place. I am optimistic enough to think that these annoyances will go away with time. We are not quitters here at A Fuse #8 Production.
I was only kidding! You know I can’t quit you! Come on!
Aw, you know I love ya, kid. Just don’t hint that I’ve jumped the shark. We’ve plenty of years left before I have to produce an adorable child to boost my ratings.